How to catch a 5lb bass on the fly?

Yesterday I landed this 3 pounder on the bluegill setup right below green lane reservoir, I’m getting closer
Mice, night time, farm pond/golf course. Really depends on if lake can grow em or not if their their that combo will do it.


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There are some good big bass lakes in SE Pa I just look for lakes that they have had tournaments on and go out at night in the kayak. No one there so fun.
I have about 4 days to fish an 8-acre lake this week that holds some close to the 10-pound mark, but since the 8-weight snapped I have to chase big bass with a 5-weight and slightly smaller flies.
I have about 4 days to fish an 8-acre lake this week that holds some close to the 10-pound mark, but since the 8-weight snapped I have to chase big bass with a 5-weight and slightly smaller flies.
If it is safe and ya have a buddy who can go with ya try at night for those big guys especially if the lake gets pressure. If ya ever go at night for trout get you one of these(Harvey pusher)can try for bass too let me know how ya do. I don’t have large mouth near me and wanted to give it a whirl on them.
I have about 4 days to fish an 8-acre lake this week that holds some close to the 10-pound mark, but since the 8-weight snapped I have to chase big bass with a 5-weight and slightly smaller flies.
Murdich minnow is a great fly to use with the lighter setup. Isn't too bulky to cast and is the closest thing I've seen to replicating the action of a dying minnow when fished slowly with short twitches. Can't say I've caught 5 pounders with it, but I've never seen a bass refuse it when presented properly.
If it is safe and ya have a buddy who can go with ya try at night for those big guys especially if the lake gets pressure. If ya ever go at night for trout get you one of these(Harvey pusher)can try for bass too let me know how ya do. I don’t have large mouth near me and wanted to give it a whirl on them. View attachment 1641225925
Is that dyed wood duck for wings on that pusher fly?
No its actually saddles lol a pusher that doesn’t push as much(more motion in that ine)I ran out of good sized/ even shaped black dyed mallard flanks which is was i normally use. The saddles add some push but their more motion i feel like than “push”. Still works

But I like the mallard flanks better. Maybe its in my head but i like the sigfer wings better for riffles where water more broken. Lot of various of harvey pushers/Pennsylvania night flies i have seen.



I like thick quills like this guy uses

I have also used turkey flats on size 2-2/0 pushers and those really push but better have 15lb tippet to prevent the twisties. Also have used Guinea festhers too those are soft like the saddles. I will make dubbing loop of clouser style deer hair behind the wings and soft hackles at the front too sometimes to add to the “Push” .
How long did he take to get in thats a big one
Just over 7 minutes, I had about 50’ of line out and he bit as it landed, and pulled into the backing a few times. Locking down the drag did nothing to slow him and he just wanted to run and jump. From the land would’ve been harder, but he was towing the canoe around a bit, would’ve been way shorter with the 8 weight, the 5 weights rod tip was below the handle a few times. This isn’t a bad one for this pond, I can typically get one in the 7+ range every weekend I fish it, so I’m just holding out for that one. Down below is the biggest we caught out of there, my brother fooled it with a live bluegill.
Here's a real nice bass a friend of a friend caught. It wasn't on a fly though. They were using crank baits. I believe it was around 7lbs. Caught in Delaware county, and it was released.


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