I wear ****ie work pants under my waders too.That nasty word filter in place here is kinda ridiculous at times, IMO. In any event, for the record, my favorite fishing shirts were Richard-ies..
I really look the SPF fishing shirts and buffs.
They're light, and give great protection from the sun.
Cant remember the last time I applied sunscreen since I started using them.
Also started wearing wide brim hats too
I wear long sleeve “fishing” shirts at the beach all day, even when I’m not fishing. The sun is bad news.
Never. Hate that greasy crap on my skin. Most of the streams I fish are pretty well shaded for the most part, and my exposure to the sun is very limited. I worked outdoors for forty years without ever using it and suffered zero effects from direct sun exposure. To each their paranoid own. 😉How many of the sun haters like me, carry around sun screen?
Some of the small packaged sunscreen, especially the small sticks made by Nutrogena or CeraVe take up next to no room in a vest or bag and can save your a$$...
Or at minimum the tops of your ears and nose if your pants are up...
Back when I was mostly wearing my Richard-ies shirts to fish, I wore the bottom half of my shirt and tie job ensemble, dress slacks as supplied by my preferred tailor at the time, Jean Claude Penney inside my Ranger felted canvas rubber hippers from PA Outdoor Warehouse. I got all kinds of approving looks, mostly from frogs and muskrats..I wear ****ie work pants under my waders too.
They're thin, and dry quickly if wet.
Hardly a fashion statement there, for sure
Dear RLeep2,Back when I was mostly wearing my Richard-ies shirts to fish, I wore the bottom half of my shirt and tie job ensamble, dress slacks as supplied by my preferred tailor at the time, Jean Claude Penney inside my Ranger felted canvas rubber hippers from PA Outdoor Warehouse. I got all kinds of approving looks, mostly from frogs and muskrats..
Probably; but you never know when the moment will call for more proper attire. Long time ago, I was fishing the Middle Fork of the Little Pigeon in Smoky Mountain Park and came upon a wedding taking place on a big rock out in the middle of the creek. They invited me to stick around for the ceremony and there I was in my fishing scruffies and beat up Cabela's vest. I might have died of embarrassment except the bride and groom were also both wearing beat up Cabela's vests...🙂Bob,
I think you were overdressed! 🙂
Well, aren't we supposed to wear shirt and tie when fishing the Catskills anyway? Proper homage to the history of the sport and all that..Dear RLeep2,
Back in the days when I sold heavy equipment in upstate NY the first company I worked for required a shirt and tie to be worn at all times when working. This was in the early 1990's, not the 1950's too.
I complied and could often be seen rock hopping, fly rod in hand on Catskill streams during lunch hour in the warmer months. A lot of times I even managed to catch a couple of fish.
I'd put the rod away and head to my next customer. The companies I called on Delaware County NY were hardly elitist, and the shirt and tie was often a hindrance or at least a source of mocking and jokes. 😉
Funny thing is no one ever cared about a fishy smelling handshake or my squishy water-logged shoes! 😉
Man do I miss that place!
Tim Murphy 🙂