How stupid is the PFBC?

Oh just to let everyone know...Kettle was stocked AGAIN yesterday 6-25-18 according to locals in the area. I guess they have not learned!
Interesting, who says?
I don't see it on there website, doesn't mean they didn't do it but, how do you know?
Quick somebody call Facebook and confirm this.
poopdeck wrote:
Quick somebody call Facebook and confirm this.

So am I the only one who cares about the resources that are supplied with our license money? I say if there are any more left over fish to dump them in your driveway this weekend when its 97 degrees. The survival rate will be about the same...
NewSal wrote:
Interesting, who says?
I don't see it on there website, doesn't mean they didn't do it but, how do you know?

These stockings are unannounced. Locals who live in the Kettle Creek area reported this.
The PFBC did not stock Kettle on 6/25. Also, all adult trout stockings by the PFBC are put on the Stocking Page of our website, even ones that are added to the schedule.
Brian Wisner, Bureau of Hatcheries
Fish4PA wrote:
The PFBC did not stock Kettle on 6/25. Also, all adult trout stockings by the PFBC are put on the Stocking Page of our website, even ones that are added to the schedule.
Brian Wisner, Bureau of Hatcheries

Thats what I thought, and I didnt see anything added to the site.
Sorry bigjohn, but looks like you cant always believe your buddies, especially if they have a hardon for the pfbc.
Thanks Brain! Appreciate the clarification on that.
Even if so that first screw up was bad enough! I just know you can't trust government run agencies.

by bigjohn58 on 2018/6/27 10:52:58

"Even if so that first screw up was bad enough! I just know you can't trust government run agencies."

What other agencies should I watch out for? Do you think they do it on purpose or are they just incompetent? And here I thought they started to drain the swamp.
KGStine wrote:

by bigjohn58 on 2018/6/27 10:52:58

"Even if so that first screw up was bad enough! I just know you can't trust government run agencies."

What other agencies should I watch out for? Do you think they do it on purpose or are they just incompetent? And here I thought they started to drain the swamp.

Fish4PA wrote:
The PFBC did not stock Kettle on 6/25. Also, all adult trout stockings by the PFBC are put on the Stocking Page of our website, even ones that are added to the schedule.
Brian Wisner, Bureau of Hatcheries

Brian, thanks for chiming in. Hopefully Fishtales pointed you this way and clued you into what is going on. This thread is rather ridiculous. I honestly don't think that there is a positive point to this thread.

I also encourage you to hang around the forum, Brian. There are a lot of very good people here who truly care about our waterways and the critters that thrive in them.
Can't trust locals, Can't trust the Gov't. Can we even trust ourselves?
Fox Mulder said it best, "Trust no one".
allan_s wrote:
Can't trust locals, Can't trust the Gov't. Can we even trust ourselves?

I pity the fool who is both a local and works for the government. That person definitely can't trust themselves..

But FB and what gets posted on the Interwebz forums? Gospel truth!
I'm gonna call Facebook and let them know all is well. Anybody got a number for them?

Bigjohn, my knee doesn't jerk as violently as yours but this does not mean you care more then me or anybody else. Personally, I think the PFBC does a great job with our resources, which most among us realize is far more then simply trout.

Mr. Wisner, thanks for the clarification and keep up the good work. Your efforts are appreciated by most.