How many tie...



Jan 30, 2007
Nymphs to suggest species-specific nymphs for mayflies?
I do, lots of them.

Me too.
Sometime? Lol
What else would I do? :)
I try to...
I've been known to do this.
There are only two nymphs and a lot of bad ties.
Yep, just not lately.
sometimes, but not often. I fish freestoners with much less selective fish than the trout some people fish for here though.
why, dont you?
I'm pretty new to tying, so most if my ties are suggestive of general body shape and color rather than a species specific pattern. Recently my most tied patterns are: frenchies, BHPT, CDC hare and copper, rainbow warrior, zebra midges, UV scuds, prince, etc.

I really have been enjoying the tying almost as much as the fishing, but I'm not ready to start tying one fly for one bug.
(And also species specific streamers)
Outside of hot spots, two types of nymphs with gray and brown-olive body color with and without CDC soft hackle.
Species specific nymphs no, just the basics......specific emergers yes....dries, duh, definitely.....
I tie both and fish both. Often I fish 2 nymphs. One usually is a generic type nymph, let's say a HE or a PT and the other is often a more or a hatch matcher selected based on what will be hatching or what is a common or prevalent insect in the stream I am fishing.

At times the near-enough nymph works best, while other times the hatchmatcher draws more strikes. I will say a good strategy is to fish the matching nymph before the hatch occurs since they become active well before hatching and the fish my be keying on them.

I think Old Lefty baited us all in his OP....just waiting for the sting of the hook! :-o
I tie them all, all together as in some kind of concoction.