Honey & Tea Creeks



Well-known member
May 26, 2009
Does anyone here ever fish Honey and/or Tea creeks and if so how do you do? Are the trout wild or stocked? Is Honey public water? I've driven along it twice but don't remember seeing any place to park. If you don't want to comment publicly sent me a PM. Thanks.
I'm sure someone else will have better information.
I've fished a couple of times. There are a couple of small public parks in/near Reedsville.
check the archives as well, I remember threads about these before.
Honey is stocked (or was years back) in the Reeds gap state park area.
There’s really two distinct sections of Honey and Tea. They both start as small forested freestone streams and then sink, and emerge as limestone streams. Honey above the sink is stocked, and has a small population of wild Brookies. Some of this upper section is on public land, SF and SP lands. Tea above its sink has a decent section on SF land, though it’s tiny this far upstream. Has some small wild Brookies, buts lots of rhodo and tough fishing. Some circles refer to Honey above its sink as “New Lancaster Valley Run.”

Below where they emerge as limestoners they’re both Class A wild Brown streams, and not stocked, by the PFBC anyway. Don’t know if they get some form of club stocking. Mostly private land in their limestone sections though some is not posted and open to fishing. They both have reputations as being tough to fish and I’ve typically struggled on them, despite their class A ratings. FWIW.

Tea is still fairly small even in its lower reaches. Definitely limestone water, but fishes more like a Brookie stream. Honey is pretty good sized, roughly equal to the size of Kish at their confluence.
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I haven't fished Honey but Tea is pretty small. When I visited it was exceptionally clear and all I did was scare the wild browns there. I had better luck in the headwaters for brookies except it was extremely rhodo-choked and difficult to move around. I didn't mind that day as I was in the mood for that sort of thing.
Thanks to everyone who posted to my inquiry.
Bender Park is a great place to access Lower Honey. As for Tea, I just fished there several days ago. Picked some up on BHPT. It's generally tough and the fish aren't huge, but is a neat little stream. The fish are there and you can usually nymph up a couple. Come Summer, you can do much better with terrestrials or Stimulator. By then, you have some stickers that swim up from Kish as an added bonus. Good Luck