Holy gas wells Batman!!

Gudgeonville wrote:

Your scare tactics are the same being used by the anti drilling groups throughout PA. I will not say that if you drink any chemical straight for days on end that you will not get cancer or die, but, you are wrong about the dilluted chemicals causing death and illness due to this industry. You have many of those same chemicals under your kitchen sink and never worried about them before.

And we all flush those chemicals down the drain for the next town downstream to drink in a diluted form.

Most people think the natural water and air are free of "polluting" molecules. They fail to understand that nature is dilution. It's not a question of if, it's a question of the concentration.
shell is putting the pressure on here. i chased 2 of them off of my land so far. No lease here.........been carrying now...
Shell?? Wow... I thought Chessie and Chief locked up your area of Tioga there Bob! Did you see the well head on Rte 6 in Sullivan Twp? Pretty soon it will be nothing but a small pipe sticking out of the ground.
shell bought out east resources, and have been pushing land owners. I say BOYCOTT SHELL PRODUCTS NOW !
Shell bought all of East Resources holdings in our area, it was a lot. Actually over by Sandfly seneca and ultra are more active than chesapeake or Chief. Shell had the lease on my property prior to me buying it.

There are well pads around me in three different directions, they are currently drilling on one. Fortunately, the only real issue, for now, is the pick up traffic which is idiots driving way too fast. Our road is not really suitable for the heavy rig traffic, it took them a few tries to realize that, but it sunk in. seismic will likely begin this winter the way things are moving, i will have a receiver line thru my yard, but that is it.
Define diluted... it's not a scare tactic. Such a large volume of water is used in fracking the Marcellus (and even more franking the Utica) that even a small percentage of toxins in the water isn't really so small...and what about the reservoirs filled w/ that wonderful waste water? And when you spill a container of frack fluid or contaminated mud, as was done in the Black Moshannon, well... I really don't think you can call that good for anyone (or the environment, but you don't like that word). Really, how can you be on a website and have no concern for the streams? You don't need to answer that. It's a rhetorical question.
So the gas companies are just buying "neighborhood" leases to appease the residents living in town who don't own 20K acres to lease... so in essence its just PR? Throwing some $$ to the locals?

I've always been leery of those that must buy their friends.
Just out of curiosity, gudeonville...Why have you not posted any fly fishing related posts yet on a fly fishing site....
Gudgeonville blabbered like a gas industry commercial:

Your scare tactics are the same being used by the anti drilling groups throughout PA. I will not say that if you drink any chemical straight for days on end that you will not get cancer or die, but, you are wrong about the dilluted chemicals causing death and illness due to this industry. You have many of those same chemicals under your kitchen sink and never worried about them before.

Complete and total crap. Yes, I have chemicals for cleaning under my kitchen sink. I also don't drink them. I have baby proofed the entire house in fear my daughter might get into dangerous chemicals. Don't tell me sir, that I have never worried about such things. To even say such a thing shows how out of touch you are with PA residents and how far up the industries tail pipe you truly are. I'll make you a bet, I bet none of my Mr. Clean floor wax, Draino or Pledge end up in my water supply at industry levels, but I bet fracking fluid does. You are trying to compare a 250mL bottle of house cleaner to millions of gallons of undisclosed fracking chemicals. Just stop it already. I guess you are going to tell me now the entire Mr. Yuck campaign was a waste of time.

If you are so confident that the diluted chemicals from this industry do not cause illness or death, come to a jam, bring some and drink it.

I have been reading your posts now for a few weeks and I still don't know what you are tying to accomplish. Preaching to conservation minded sportsman, TU members and others alike will not work. Are you trying to help us sleep better at night or are you trying to help yourself sleep at night?
You decide.

The answer to your question is obvious.
The answer to your question is obvious."

You talkin' to me? Sorry, I don't have a keen eye for the obvious.

Not you 😛

Did you know that there are some frack fluids that are edible? When we had the threads a year or so ago on frack fluids and Material Safety Data Sheets I found some drillers using my brothers frack fluid which is edible.

BTW the materials are not undisclosed, this is an old wives tale we dispelled some time ago. OSHA requires MSDS forms for all chemicals used in work places. These sheets describe the materials and related safetly issues.
He uses it as a condiment. Mmmmmmmm.... frac fluid.... incapacitating!!!

troutbert wrote:
franklin wrote:
Did you know that there are some frack fluids that are edible?

Did you ever drink any of it?

Same base ingredient as toothpaste.
Did you ever brush your teeth with it?
As per my toothpaste tube:

"WARNING: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN UNDER 6 YEARS OF AGE. If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away."

Sounds like adding massive amounts to water sources would be a wonderful idea!!!! Thanks Franklin's brother! And this would be the safer alternative?

troutbert wrote:
franklin wrote:
Did you know that there are some frack fluids that are edible?

Did you ever drink any of it?

Ever have a milkshake from McDonald's? You won't anymore - they use the same ingredient of drilling mud, clay, as a thickener.
You must admit it, that frack fluid looks delicious! And if it's edible, I bet it has ALL kinds of uses! That foaming agent mixed w/ some creme of tartar and egg white must make one hell of a meringue! Who knew?! Maybe it will give you super powers too...I mean, with all the unproprietary stuff that's in it.


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