holding trout by the lip while they are still in the water.

Would some one bring dad in to quiet the two twins arguing!

What really bothers me is the person who leaves an extra foot of line hanging out of the fishes mouth cause they can't remove the hook without damaging or killing the fish. Instead they leave that length and the fish gets it caught on something and dies anyways.

I did not think about the barbless coming out easier when stuck in the hand. I had a barbed one that was in the soft tissue between index finger and thumb. I swore under my breath several times before I finally got it removed.

My thing when I fly fish is not so how many fish I bring to hand or net but how many fish I fool when they take my fly - I fooled your arse. if there are "quick" releases, so be it, if I bring to had/net so be it. Mine is not a numbers games but more, how many fish can I fool in taking my fly.

Lastly, if I do bring to hand or net a fish, I have found that a barbless hook embedded in my hand is much easier to remove than a barbed type. The majority of times I use a tandem rig. Fish flop around in a net as well as if I bring to hand. I have had some bad experiences with a barbed hook embedded in my hands, barbless - a little blood, quickly removed and back to fishing.
+1 ..... I've often grinned when I reach to palm a fish and they give a flip & toss the hook :)
Maybe we can start a new fashing with a thumb piercing to show that we are fly fisherpeople. Or a side of the leg looks pretty cool with a streamer piercing.
