Hares Ears vs. PT's

Raftman, I don't incorporate flash into any nymphs. I tend for nymphs to be dull and dark.
I do tie the wingcase on my Hare's Ears with thin skin covered with a thin layer of Loon UV glue.
Raftman, I don't incorporate flash into any nymphs. I tend for nymphs to be dull and dark.
I do tie the wingcase on my Hare's Ears with thin skin covered with a thin layer of Loon UV glue.

Thanks BrookieChaser. Do you think the dull and dark is more natural and therefore more appealing?

Also, what's the difference between regular head cement and Loon UV glue?
I do think the dark and dull is more natural and therefore the trout won't second guess it when feeding. But, I'm looking with human eyes out of water not trout eyes under water, so I can't say for sure.

The Loon UV glue is thick. It is the same as "Clear Cure Goo". You apply a drop or so on the Thin Skin wingcase and spread it with your dubbing needle then hit it with a UV light and coat with "Sally Hansen" hardener. It will create a layer similar to a pour-on finish look on a table instead of soaking into the material, like head cement, it stays on top.