Pennsylvania's Biggest Fishery Blunders

It is stocked with warm-fish?? I always thought it was a small brookie stream. Obviously I have never fished it.
I’ve caught those species I listed in good quantity’s fairly recently. And on multiple trips multiple years. They have to be stocked. They aren’t just washed out of a farm pond. Small brookie streams don’t give up multiple largemouth and multiple bluegills and multiple bullheads and multiple channel catfish from the same hole. Let alone multiple holes like this.
I'll give another which would be number 2 on my list. Not caused by fisheries mismanagement from the PFBC but rather life and progress. Shad.

Pennsylvania's Shad runs are well documented through history. Would have been an anglers paradise.

Here is a unique piece of history about the Pennsylvania Shad run many don't know. Pretty entertaining read. In the end of it, the PFBC tried to help the Shad but they were doomed to fail considering all the factors against them.

PFBC (or it's predecessor) was created because of the decline of shad... Restoring and maintaining native populations of fish is a good thing. PFBC ability to do that with shad has been an utter failure, for the length of the agency's existence. But they have a lot stacked against them, in trying to restore shad. I'd be happy if the PFBC stuck with restoring and maintaining native populations of fish.
Kokanee salmon was mismanaged..they are plankton feeders and require pretty slim barriers...if more effort was put into the lakes they introduced them to. ..or i can name 2 lakes in sw pa that would prob work bettwr than the disbanded lakes in ne pa thy tried