


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2008
I see a lot of interesting forum names. If you have a unique, maybe not obvious name on the forum, what does it mean?
Arminacast = As in "I had to call off from work today, because my arm was in a cast"
On the first day of 1st grade, the teacher is taking roll and discovers someone named Joni is not in attendance. Noting that I did not raise my hand, she asked for my name to which I responded ”it sure as h___ ain‘t Joni“. I was immediately hustled off to the principal’s office and given three swats with a mini canoe paddle. At the first recess, several boys were calling me Joni. Figuring I needed to nip this in the bud, I wrestled each of them to the ground, and while shoving grass in their mouth, informed them that my name is just Jon and that they had better remember it . I still run into two of those guys on occasion and we just laugh about that day in September 1963. I’m glad I grew up in a time where a when you could receive corporal punishment and get into three fights on your first ever day of school and your parents were not notified.
Great story Jon. In first or second grade I accidentally poked a kid in the eye...we were playing football or something at recess. This kid ended up punching me in the face. I tried explaining that it wasn't intentional and WHAM. We ended up being pretty good friends all the way through early college where our roads diverged.

Thanks for sharing that.
My favorite fly fishing book is “This Wonderful World of Trout“ by Charles K. Fox. Charlie was one of the Letort legends. One of the short stories in the book is titled ”Whirl Away McSneek.” McSneek was the name given to a dry fly four members of the Anglers Club of New York gave to a Royal Coachman like fly with double wings they developed. The characters in the story drifted this fly into difficult feeding lies where it would dance about as the twisted leader straightened. They would say “Whirl away McSneek!” as the fly did its work and a big limestone brown inhaled it.

I used to just post as Steve B years ago but when we had to register accounts someone used StevieB and I decided to come up with something different.

Think I’ll get that book off the shelf and read a few stories and dream of what the Letort once was.
My favorite fly fishing book is “This Wonderful World of Trout“ by Charles K. Fox...
One of my favorite books as well. My favorite story in that book is "Excelsior," a tale of a very special bamboo fly rod which ties into my handle.

In the 1980's, I was a frequent visitor to the Letort. One night I timidly knocked on Charlie's front door to ask him to sign my copy of "This Wonderful World of Trout" and "Rising Trout." He was gracious and obliging and we developed an acquaintanceship which included having breakfast together at the Carlisle Framer's Market Restaurant when I came into town.

Also at that time in my life, I exclusively fished bamboo rods for trout. Around 2003 I started fishing graphite again and later fiberglass, but when it came to picking a handle on message boards, my bamboo roots came to mind. I think a lot about the rod in the story "Excelsior" and even considering have it inscribed on a couple of custom bamboo rods I commissioned in recent times.

Speaking of the Letort, my avatar photo was taken in "Otto's Meadow" on the Letort in 2006, a half mile upstream of where Charlie signed my books about 23 years earlier.
Dabbled into refinishing bamboo rods for a few years. the demand for them has declined. The garage now not only houses the cars but several bamboo rods in various stages of that process. Now I would much rather just fish!
People have called me "the sasquatch" since like, my late teens/early 20s. I'd like to believe it's because, for a big guy, I'm surprisingly limber in the woods but...it's probably just because I'm big, clumpy, and every picture of me is blurry.
The All Americans! Thank you for your service.
I am now 64 years old. I went on my first canoe trip on the Yellow Breeches Creek when I was in high school.

I bought an Old Town Tripper canoe in 1984 when I lived along the Delaware River in Bucks County. I have canoe countless adventures in PA, NC, VA, and WV.

Old Town Trippers where manufactured from Royalex, which is no longer manufactured, and that Old Town model is no longer manufactured either.

I had to do something with a 17' canoe since I now am trying to take care of my aging mother.

I gave the canoe to fellow Board member, Jigiz, since I know he lives along the Juniata River and would use the canoe.

My outdoor epicenter is my R&G club in the Poconos. I am here right typing this, while drinking a beer and smoking a cigar.

That is the story of the Canoetripper handle.

By the way, canoe trips are a lot of work and much easier for a younger man. I have 3 primitive cabins here. Plus, I rent a storage unit. Set up and break down is much easier at my R&G club.
I see a lot of interesting forum names. If you have a unique, maybe not obvious name on the forum, what does it mean?
Salmo, as in Salmo Trutta.
There's "swats away flies while fly fishing" irony.

Also, a self-deprecating comment on my casting.
grand father of linus emori dusty caleb
I need to add an other L for my new grandson Linden
the 15+ aces at Sedgley Woods disc golf course, Philadelphia where I was course pro in another life.
Thank you all for these great replies! I sincerely enjoyed reading them. One of my ongoing regrets, usually post-JAM, is that I didn't get to meet more folks from the board.

Aces, I believe I got to talk to you for a bit Saturday night. It was a pleasure to meet you.

Roger, I've always wondered what your handle meant. I hope you're doing well and have had an excellent Spring.

Andy, sometimes you appear blurry to me in person.

McSneek and Bamboozle, very cool stories about Charlie Fox.

Joe, I have a Montague in the garage that needs to be stripped and redone. I'll get to it one of these years.

Airborne, sincere appreciation for your service.

Swattie, I've always wondered where that came from. I got chewed up by little biting flies on Penns this weekend. I did some swatting of my own.

Tripper, I think you talked me out of getting a canoe.

Salmo, I think your handle is the only one I could've guessed.

Cheers everyone...
College nickname due to my big beak


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