Guide licensing info

poopdeck wrote:
SteveG wrote:
Poopdeck, you comment about "mostly all profit" is woefully wrong. Talk to anyone who is a small business owner, and ask them about business expenses. I have the utmost respect for anyone, anywhere, who can make s living being a guide. It takes more than just being able to teach people how to fish. There are many different aspects to excel at in order to be successful in business.

Okay lets break it down then. I have no experience with guides or guiding but my pea brain figures it like this. Wear and tear and gas for the car don't count. I, along with most everybody else, drive to and from work every day and its not factored into my salary so that's a wash.

Gear? Guides fish (not talking about when they are actually working) and would have all the gear already even if they were not guides. Gears a wash.

How much for guide flys? 10 bucks, 15 bucks? Most guides tie their own right so this is an insignificant figure.

Lunch for the client, 20 bucks?

I realize there are insurance and license fees but that's spread across many clients. But lets just say you don't have many clients and assume that it costs 25 bucks per client for fees. So lets assume the total cost is 360.00 for an 8 hour day. Lets juice our expenses up to an even 75 bucks to cover our gas just for the hell of it. That's 35 bucks an hour. If he chooses to work past 8 hours that's great but also not uncommon for any working stiff.

Paying the taxman is a wash to since we all pay the tax man, the social security man, the insurance man and every other man out there.

So just what are the expenses that I'm not seeing?

I agree running a small business is work but so is going to work for somebody else. I would think guiding has far less overhead since a storefront is probably not needed nor is warehouse space or large computer servers, heavy equipment, work men's comp, and a host of other things that other small businesses deal with.

Lol ok
All this angst and guide tipping wasn't mentioned once. Go figure.
I wish I could substitute guide/guiding with lawyer/lawyering in this entire thread. Then I could participate meaningfully.
This is ridiculous! The op just wanted to know about what was needed insurance wise to guide, and the Pennsylvania certificate from the state, but he has left the building. This is probably going to create waves but who cares at this point in the thread. Everyone has him buying a guiding franchise, but this is typical Pennsylvania mentality, from those not all I repeat not all! who graduate high school or college work the 9-5 buy a house within a 10 mile radius of where they grew up, if not on the same street their parents live on, just to get that one weeks vacation every year, and wish they could go out west to fish, but the wife says we are taking the kids to Disney in Orlando. They know now everything about everything! Since the age of thirty I have not let the grass grow had more addresses than someone in the witness protection program, just to fish all over the country and guide. Yes I Don't have kids and my new wife has the same wanderlust as me, I've been where I'm at now for 4 months and am ready to head out where the sunsets again. Guiding is not that complicated I ran my services out of a pickup truck. If you really want to know how to guide call Ron Meek director from Sweet Water Guide School he has been at it 47 years guiding from Alaska to Mongolia, and would laugh how complicated this has become. Like Jack Garside said " I may not be financially successful, but I live a hell of a life".
Coudersportguy wrote:
This is ridiculous!

Welcome to the PAFF message board where all too often a thread gets way off track due to so many "expert" opinions. No better place to see this than in the Gear forum.

Sample Question:

What's everyone's opinion of the new Sage XP - 2000 Rocket model? Thinking of getting the 8'6" 5 weight.

Sample Answers:

Don't buy a rod without testing it out!

You don't need to spend $800 on a rod! I use one that cost $50.00.

Bamboo is better!

Fiberglass rods rule!

Strike indicators are bobbers!

I have one and really like it. Think you'll be pleased if you buy it.

Get a six weight!

You don't need a disc drag reel in PA!
PatrickC wrote:
poopdeck wrote:

Yes I will not be wasting my money on a guided pa trout fishing trip. Sorry if that upsets you.

That is precisely why you are getting pushback. While it's fine that you feel you don't have a need for a guide, you are in fact also saying it's a waste of money to use a guide in PA. What guide wouldn't take offense to that?

Our services are not a waste of money just because you do not see the value. The point is, we offer a very valuable service for many people. Just because you don't need that service does not mean our service is a waste of money. Your delivery is poor when you make statements of that nature. Just because you personally don't need something doesn't make it a waste. Had you simply made your point without calling our services a waste, none of use would have disagreed with your thoughts.

And, as you have the right to make statements to the effect that we offer services that are a waste...we have the right to call BS. Just be clear on what the pushback is for. It's not because you don't need our service. It's because your words infer we don't offer a legitimate service (whether that was your intent or not...that is the tone of your comment).

We, my friend, offer very legitimate service to a broad variety of folks. And the service we offer is not a waste of money.

Please go back and read all of my posts on this subject. Never have I said guides do not offer a legitimate service. Never. I have never said that a guides services are a waste. Never. What I said was I will not waste MY money on a trout fishing guide in pa. I also will not waste it on a red corvette or a sage rod. Stating my opinion and not anybody else's nor am I stating its a waste for others to spend their money on a guide. I don't claim to be good at fishing but what I do enjoy is figuring things out on my own regardless of how silly you and your ilk think I look.

while your reading my posts pay attention to when the push back occurred. It was immediate and pages before the term waste was used.

I was not attacking guides or their services. You sir clearly called me a fool well before the word waste was ever used. All you simply had to do was counter with an effective argument but instead choose to attack and defame. So do you provide Cornish game hens for lunch? Do you own and operate a FF shop as well? Do you also instruct casting lessons, fishing lessons, and maybe fly tying lessons. Do you travel the country guiding in the hot areas based on time of year? Are you just a guide pa trout guide?

For the record, being called a fool and other such names does not bother me. I am not offended nor do I hate those with opposite opinions. I also dont mind being proven wrong but i will dig my feet in when I know I am right and others are blowing smoke. I also don't hate bait Dunkers.


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hendeylathe wrote:
All this angst and guide tipping wasn't mentioned once. Go figure.

Is that like cow tipping?
I don't believe in cow tipping....unless the cow provides excellent service.

Sky blue...great video. Like this thread I found it very entertaining and watched it until the end.