Grampa of sorts



Active member
Dec 29, 2006

After being told by the vet that Jack Russells usually have 2 and 4 was the most they had seen before, they x-rayed her and told me she was going to have 5. Between 6:00 and 1:30 last night she had SIX! I am so happy they are all in good shape and thank God Chicky's okay. In a couple months I'll have my little amigo beside on the stream again.
I know its not related but hey....who doesn't like holding a puppy now and then?
thats cool! enjoy them while you can. Hmmmm, I think someone said that to me about my kids once...
Nice. It will be nice to have her back on the stream with you though. I take my dog with me whenever I can. He has been known to spook some fish though.
How true. I've called her "pool spooker" more than once on the stream and turns out to be the only place I ever have to put a leash on her. But places like the Breeches FFO is usually great to have her with except for her uncontrollable urge to roll in any stink she can find. Shes become more than a friend. Dave Wolf put it best once when he called her "at very least, an extension of your family".
Yea nothing can be more disharting than having my dog swim past me through a perfect run and then out of sight down the stream. I think he does it on perfect. I'm also right with you on the rolling in anything that stinks, mines a bird dog and I think it is one of his passions. Sometimes the car ride home can be brutal.