GPS nightmare, AKA why I drive a jeep



Active member
Jan 2, 2007
A friend loaned me a GPS for the summer, since he won't be needing it for various reasons. I decided to use it this weekend while fishing Penns.

I was following paul and jack out of the cherry run area, when the GPS told me to hang a last second left on to Rupp Hollow Rd. It ended up being a bumper deep bog, and the ruts were so deep that my skid plates were grinding on the rocks. When I felt like I needed to put it in 4-low, I decided to back it out. It was midnight, after all.

It was fun and scary at the same time, and it leads me to ask this question: Does anyone have a GPS that is usable on mountain roads? This one has made questionable decisions time after time. I believe the brand is Mio... which I had never heard of before.
I am sure they all pretty much have the same problem. I was using my old man's garmin that he has for work (really nice and expensive one) one time on a trip and got stuck in some horrible traffic on highway. I hit alternate route, and long story short I ended up going down an old abandoned mining road and nearly ended up over a cliff in an old strip mine.
How are you creating the destination file ? Are you uploading a gpx file to the unit itself ? Karen gives me very little problems when I go about it this way.
The unit has not left my car. All navigating is done via the poor UI on the device. I typed "lamar, pa" into it, and chose "center of city". This was at the cherry run access. It ran us down the mountain road a few miles later.

I'll have to get a better one and start gameplanning more.
Jay check your email. I sent you a bunch of gpx files. If anyone else would like these I am happy to share what I have so far. I am trying to get every trout stream on the pa game commish site into this format. I have central pa and NW pa covered pretty well. Just pm me with your email and I will send.
These companies preparing the software should have a system for reporting errors or impassable roads or roads where 4-wheel drive capabilities are required. It would be a simple thing for them to integrate these factors into the database so you have warning of the road conditions they are recommending.

The problem is not limited to GPS, though. I took a short-cut once that I located in my Delorme Atlas. I was driving a rear-wheel drive 1990 Caprice. The road was paved, then turned gravel, then dirt, then dirt with drainage ruts. It climbed a steep mountain and had no guardrail over the cliff to the passenger side. I drove this rough portion for about 2 full miles until it slowly improved and I arrived at safe roadway. I was shaking when I finally was in the clear. It took about three cigs to settle me down.
The PFBC has a complete list of all the stream sections by Class A, Wilderness, SR, ATW, etc. that you can download (DBF File). They have the Lat. and Lon. for each section. You can modify the file then load into your GPS as POI(if is a Garmin). If you would like the POI's I created I can sent me a PM and I will email them to you. I can also help you with the step to do this. I will not be able to respond until June 8 - fishing trip to Potter.
I have fortunately not run into my Garmin sending me on a rutted out road, but have noticed that I have been routed on some strange or what I believe to be round about routes. Not dreadful, but I've been in situations where I know what I believe to be "better" alternative routes.

One thing about GPS units is that they all have their plus sides. Garmin charges for map updates whereas others I have heard do not. Garmin from the research I've done had the best routing and fastest re-routing. Garmin as I have found is also much more proprietary than some of the other brands.

I've also installed the Topo maps on the 1:10 scale to my GPS Not as good as a 1:24 scale but it's been a nice addition so far. This version seems to be slightly outdated and the maps are off slightly but helpful enough to say it's not bad to have as an addition to your GPS. The Gazetteer is still top notch but if you're driving and without a passenger, that makes it not the best option unless you pull over.
Dear Jay,

Doesn't anybody use those green State Forest maps anymore? I have them for every State Forest east of Clearfield, PA.

I've found them to be worth their weight in gold for getting around on Forest roads, and find that they accurately mark and grade the roads by the condition of the road surface.

Next time your out in a State Forest stop by the office and get the one for the Forest you are in. You can also order the whole lot of them for about $ 20.00 from the DCNR in Harrisburg, just google PA State Forest maps and you should find what you need.

Tim Murphy :)
On my Garmin I have an option to avoid dirt roads.
I have one of those green forest maps for the ANF that I picked up from the Ranger Station. That thing is invaluable and cost me about 10 bucks. 10 bucks well spent.
I have a Mio and am pleased with it. Jay, Remember when we took the back way into Treaster and had to turn around cuz the road got so was a road though.

If you turn off the dirt roads, You might as well go home if you are fishing in the forest.
my old garmin is ok, but sucks offroad. i want to get something with nice topo details for the future... but having a nice big jeep with mud terrains helps when the gps doesn't even know where you are :)
I've got a Garmin handheld unit I never use, and an iPhone I use all the time.. With the phone, because it doesn't do turn by turn, I usually just set it to the map image, and watch as I drive along the roads... In a circumstance when I'm trying to just find my way, I use it more as a roving map with the You Are Here dot to guide me as I navigate myself.

Its as good as any road map, plus it knows where I am.
Heading up the Jam, my Garmin thought it'd be fun to test my SUV's 4WD capabilities on a nameless road.

I can only hope the mechanical lady who tells me where to turn got a good laugh as we set up our tent in the dark...
I would definitely recommend Garmin
i used mine in the coudersport and sinnemahoning area with no probs but i did have a few probs out around derry ridge.....