Glo Bugs



Jan 31, 2010
It's almost embarassing to post this, as its such a painstakingly simple tie. But, I can't for the life of me tie a good glo bug. The two main problems I have are : they don't come out in a full round egg shape, there is always a spot left open.. and, if it does come out looking decent, it falls apart almost immediately. You would think that such a simple concept would be no problem at all. Any tips?
This. There's always McFly Foam if all else fails.

Perfectly round globugs are for the fisherman - the fish could care less.
there's always pom-pom's glued on hook shank..


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One thing that helps making a better egg is the thread u use. A very strong and very thin thread helps. I've been using Gudebrod GX2. If u have some 140dn or 3/0 thread, just spin ur bobbin clockwise b4 u tie ur yarn in to decrease the diameter of the thread.
I also use the GX2 thread and it works great. Do a search on the Glo Bug tool and you'll see how quick and easy they are to tie.
you need mcfly foam and some sharp scissors. The egg yarn just doesn't seem to flair right...
I second the mcfly foam. It's so much easier. Tie a strip on the top of the hook with 3 wraps. Repeat on the bottom. Pull each one out and snip seperately. perfect egg every time.

or, there's craven's method, which when I try this, is much faster but not as clean.

btw, you really dont need thicker thread. I started making them using kevlar and it's pointless. As long as you know your tension limits, it's not necessary. I usually just use whatever is on the bobbin, which is typically 8/0.
Don't feel alone not being able to tie an egg. Mine stink. Funny thing I was going to do the same post after the lousy session I had this evening. For some reason I can't seem to keep the tread in line and it prevents a nice shape. I can do better with McFly foam. My GLOBUG eggs look like S&%T.
That youtube video is nice... never tried tying them like that.... looks simple. I can say for me the mcflyfoam looks nicer, but the egg yarn seems "more Full"... not sure it makes a difference.
Check out this video using the Glo Bug tool, it simple and doesn't waste any yarn or foam. You can experiment with tubes from pens or even drinking straws if you don't want to buy the tool.
I did a step by step in the blog not too long ago. Here's the link.
Got 2 dozen out tonight using Mcfly foam, just need some more hooks now...