Freshwater Mussels?

Hello Jack,
those are exactly the ones! Excellent pics by the way. It looks like you found a Fluted Shell and a Spike. Excellent stuff. I thank you for picking these up for me and look forward to anything else you might find! Thank you so much again for this huge help.
-Take care, Kevin
Well I love hearing that people are interested in native mussels! I hope you find a bunch! And if you ever have any nagging mussel questions, I would be happy to try and answer them.
-Take care, Kevin :)
Hi Fishidiot,
I just wanted to send a quick thank you for the wonderful specimens and information you sent!! I will email you directly when I get a chance with a full report. But in the mean time I just wanted to send out a big thanks for this huge help!
-Take care, Kevin :)
You're welcome - glad we could be of assistance. It's nice to chat with someone with such enthusiasm for mussels. Here's wishing you continued good luck with your research.
Hello Jack,
its been a while so I figured I'd check in. Did you ever come across any more freshwater mussel shells? Even if not, I would still love to see what you've found already. Hope all is well with you!
-Thanks again, Kevin

Kevin Czaja
37 Dracut Street
Dorchester, MA 02124
JackM wrote:
I found these about a week ago on Slippery Rock Creek, north of Rte 422. I am holding them until I get more to send. Are these finally the ones you are looking for?
Hello Matt,
did you ever come across any mussels? I would still be very interested!
-Thanks again, Kevin
MattBoyer wrote:
I haven't gotten up that way in quite a while, but the Susky above Millersburg used to be loaded, and I mean loaded with mussels in the 3-4 inch range. The last time I was there was 4 or 5 years ago and they were still there. I'll hit up some of my buddies that still live up that way and see if they can snag me a few. I actually had a friend who used to eat them, and yes, out of the Susquehanna. No thanks on the eating part, but I'll try to get my hands on some if I can.

There are always areas of the Susquehannah near Harrisburg up and down that i see mussels , Harrisburg is the center of the State too would be a good central location to head out of on your quest.
Hey Folks........i don't want to sound paranoid but just be carefull sending animal/plant stuff in the mail , specially over state lines.
The mussells we have here in PA that have been descibed to me are endangered. They are dwarf mussels and they are in the Delaware River. There are others, but I've never seen them.
Sorry, man. I have a 1 1/2 year old so fishing will be slim for the next year or two, but you never know, I might get up there in the spring.

Ive seen those native ones all through the Conestoga river. I never go there though any more so sorry I can get you any But i can tell you they are there or at least once were there not to long ago.
Thanks for the suggestion! I do intend to do a exploration of PA at some point in the future. In the mean time, any help people can provide would be great. And as reminder, I do not want people to even bother live mussels. I am only interested in empty/spent shells for my studies.
-Thanks again, Kevin
Is this the right one for you?


  • rightoneclam.jpg
    84 KB · Views: 2
Looks eerily familiar...
Is it French Creek in Chester County that you're referring to? If so, I'll be sure to check for some this week. Now that you mention it, I remember a TON of shells in that stream but most were on the small side (I think)
Hello Jack,
great picture! That is definitely one of the native freshwater mussels I study! I would love to see that specimen to positively identify it. I looks like a Lampmussel species (Lampsilis), but Muckets (different but similar mussel) also look superficially like that. If you don't mind mail that fella my way, I would sure appreciate it. My address again"

Kevin Czaja
37 Dracut Street
Dorchester, MA 02124

I'll be happy to reimburse for shipping/packing. Let me know.

-Thanks again, Kevin

PS, I figured out how to "subscribe" to this thread so I should be delinquent in returning future messages. Hopefully I will get an email alert now. :oops:
Hello Bam,
the French Creek famous for freshwater mussels in PA is is the western part of the state, so it can't be the one you are thinking of in Chester Co. However, I am interested in Pennsylvania freshwater mussels of all types from all areas. I should point out that if they are on the inch or smaller size, they are probably invasive Asian Clams and not native freshwater mussels. You can see nice photos of Asian Clams taken by JackM on the first page of this thread. I am not interested in those, but like I said, just about any other freshwater PA bivavle is going be the mussels I do study.
-Thanks, Kevin
>>the French Creek famous for freshwater mussels in PA is is the western part of the state, so it can't be the one you are thinking of in Chester Co>>

Its a major warmwater stream that traverses Erie, Crawford, cuts a corner of Mercer County and then hits the Allegheny at Franklin in Venango County. Without looking it up, I'd guess it has one of the largest drainage basins of any flowing water that is called a "creek" and not a "river"in the Commonwealth.

I grew up on it.

If I recall correctly, one of the reasons for the high species diversity, not just of mussels and clams, but also various and sundry madtoms, sculpins and other forage type fish is that the drainage is on the break line between the species that are most common in the East and those that are most common in the Midwest and has representative populations of both. Also, some of the diversity (as I recall) is due to species indigenous to the Great Lakes watershed that got "stranded" when the glacier turned the Allegheny drainage south instead of flowing north to Lake Erie.

Or at least this is what I heard..

Its also one of the few places I know of in PA where you can still see hellbenders spawning in late August/early September.

Its a wonderful place.
KMC wrote:
Hello all,
I am a student studying American native freshwater pearly mussels. I am looking for people who come across the little (sometime not so little) buggers when outdoors. I would love anyone who finds the muskrat middens on the side of the rivers/lakes (or how ever they come across the mussels) to box up a bunch of paired fellas big and small and send them my way. I am only looking for dead/spent shells, not live ones. I collect and study and write about all the different species. I'm not concered about big or small, the more different ones the better. Anyone who would be able to help me with my studies by just picking up a bunch of the spent shells you might find while fishing would be a HUGE help in my studies. I would certainly compensate you for your effort and of course pay for shipping too. The only requirements would be that you provide matching paired (not single) valves and that they are not totally broken (they don't have to be absolutely perfect with no chips at all, but the cleaner with their natural "skin" the better). I've been trying to make contacts with people across the country that naturally run into mussels while out fishing or hiking that might be able to just pick up shells they come across without it being a big hassle for them. I can't thank enough anyone who would consider assisting me with this project. You can contact me through this site or directly at Thank You!!!!! And good fishing!!!

Gosh sorry to quote your whole story. I've got mussel carcasses all around, we have a broke down beaver dam on our property and I see shells all of the time. I'll see what is back there tomorrow, I can use a walk, since fishing is out for me for awhile. I'll let you know if I find anything,
Hello Wetnet,
thanks so much! I hope you find a bunch. I look forward to hearing from you!