Fly line to leader connection/knot

pretty sure the first cheapy flyrod outfit i had a million years ago had a metal barbed eyelet inserted into the end of the line. i actually think i caught fish with it and it held.
I inherited a fly rod from a distant family member when I first started out.
And the fly line (level) came with one of those on it.
Thinking I may have actually used it a bit
And am wondering, if I did, how I attached the leader to it
I'm a hack. I cut welded loop off and use braided loops to the front. I'll cut the braided sleeve short and then attach it with five nail knots of fluorocarbon 2X. I'll tie an improved clinch from backing to the rear loop. Haven't had a failure in 25-30 years.
I'm pretty sure your post is a hate crime

Oh, it’s 100% a compliment. You’re insanely good at what you do and about the only person on this site (which has a lot of good FFers) I wouldn’t question saying something like that.

And making fun of myself for the comparatively minuscule fish I catch. (Our usual banter.)
Even using the nail knot, I try to avoid this. I keep my leader length no longer than my rod length for that reason. As delicate as the tip top is on my 7' 3wt, I cringe when my knot goes through it.
I try to avoid it too, but it inevitably happens especially since I usually just use premade tapered leaders and don’t feel like shortening them since I use my small stream rod a lot on a local spring creek where longer leaders are a must. I’m just that lazy that I don’t feel like switching leaders before leaving to go fishing
Oh, it’s 100% a compliment. You’re insanely good at what you do and about the only person on this site (which has a lot of good FFers) I wouldn’t question saying something like that.

And making fun of myself for the comparatively minuscule fish I catch. (Our usual banter.)
The connection was strong enough to break 2 rods while ripping on a snag 😂. The needle connector is beautiful but if done properly, my braided loops go right through the guides like silk. Maybe I'm lazy or maybe I don't like change. Since it's working, I'll ride that horse to the finish line.
The connection was strong enough to break 2 rods while ripping on a snag 😂. The needle connector is beautiful but if done properly, my braided loops go right through the guides like silk. Maybe I'm lazy or maybe I don't like change. Since it's working, I'll ride that horse to the finish line.

Yep. Do what works. Everyone prioritizes different parts of their set up in different ways. All ok. Also ok to try something new and not like it. Or really like it. Or meh.

And yes, I’ve broken off 9” Brookies before. (If I thought they were 9”, but couldn’t really tell, they were probably 6”.) Not my fly line to leader, but still, you should be able to land that fish on a Summer Orbweaver’s thread.