Fly Fishing Show - Lancaster PA, 1-2 Mar 2014

That was me in the orange shirt. It was a good morning. Unfortunately not quite enough time to meet everyone. Looking forward to the jam.

k-bob wrote:
yeah that was me learning about scrapple

Did you get the courage to try it? :lol:
The diner:
It was great to see everyone again, and to meet some for the first time. Here's the crew, motley as it is...



Les was there, that guy gets to go to everything. Jealous of the retired guys...
Sasquatch have to catch you another time. ed yeah not bad. all thanks that was fun.
Yup good to catch up w/ Les! He was one of the first PAFF people I met. Also, he supplies me with good pipe tobacco, of which I am eternally grateful!
This year was the first year I ever attended the Lancaster show. I was there most of Saturday morning. I really enjoyed it and got some really good buys. I was surprised at the prices of a lot of items. My friend and I stopped by Allen Fly Fishing stand and talked to the guys for a while. My friend bought one of their rods and got a hard to pass up deal on one of their rods. If I had seriously thinking about another rod I would have got one also at the price they were selling them for. They left me pick out a bunch of their hooks for free....They will be my supplier for hooks and beads for good now. Also got some good prices on some necks from The Evening Rise. I will be back at the show again next year for sure.
Was there yesterday afternoon. Picked up a bunch of material to start tying Musky flies. My girlfriend was kind enough to buy me an Alpha III from Allen for my birthday. They saw me eyeing up one of the big fly boxes. Out of no where he goes, you just got a reel, take the box. Made my day. Ordered hooks from them a few days ago, and will continue to buy product from Allen in the future. Great product, awesome prices, and most importantly very down to earth owners.
Spent the whole day there yesterday. What a blast!!
Eunan was gracious enough to teach me a bit about hand tying and giving me the fly he tied while we were chatting. It's a Trout Fin #7.

Thanks Eunan!


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I also stopped and watched Eunan on the vise. It's remarkable what a good tyer can produce.
Well I messed up and set my alarm for 5:00pm. Completely missed my wake up time to make it to the Neptune. Sorry guys looked like a fun turn out. Great at the show. Great to see some friends from Paflyfish.

A bunch more load up to the Facebook fanpage here.

k-bob wrote:
yeah that was me learning about scrapple

A good thing to learn about!

Scrapple and eggs. Mmmmm good.
I'll have to bring up a brick of scrapple to the QG Summit. Seems like it's a delicacy for the non-Lancasterians!
Finally got meet Lefty Kreh with my son. At 89 that man can cast a fly line



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Much welcome.

I had a blast tying at the show, and thanks to all who stopped by my table to talk and see the flies.

Sat i did some flies for a swap, then some in hand stuff including the little trout fin, then yesterday i tied 4 stevens streamers,the Patriotic Series comprising America, Casablanca, Gen. MacArthur and Victory. Tied them on 10xl hooks, the first time i've had any of those.

They're BIG and it basically took me all day to get them done.

Here's a quick picture i snapped yesterday as i was packing up for the train ride home.



Looking forward to next year already!
Eunan I don't know how I missed you Saturday. I wanted to pick up a trout fin for my new fishing hat I bought at the show. I still have the Jenny Lind you tied for me 3 years ago, it's still in my old fishing hat. I love watching you tie.
PM me your address and i'll send you one.

Eunan, I looked around for you at the show and didn't locate you. Where were you tying?
Right at the end of the first casting pool....i missed the table myself on saturday, had to walk back and hope to find it.

There were plenty of flicks and water sprays over the weekend from the 'hero casters'

