Fly Fishing Noob here

Thanks for all the tips and sage advice. I'm taking fly fishing slow and steady... as a learning experience. Patience has never been my strong suit. And you all know, to fish (any method) patience is a requirement.

As for my co-worker taking me out fishing, his intention is to teach as well as fish. To me, fishing isn't a competition. Its a way to relax. So I'm not worried about how many he catches vs. me. I just need to learn the basics and go from there.

My spinner is my fall back position should I get frustrated. I'm fishing for the fun of it, not to stress out over it.
Srflick, I had a really nice st.croix ultralight myself until one day i was switching spots real quick so i put the butt end of the rod in my cupholder through the moonroof. Got to talking to a friend and hit the button to close the moonroof. When i got out of the car i remember thinking "hey wheres my.....CRUNCH".

When I was young, I smashed alot of rods. So, I bought Uglysticks. I have fond memories of a TV commercial where they close a window on one and it just bounces back.
