Fly fishing and AI

Dear Board,

I guess I'm a Luddite, but I see no advantage to needing some sort of device to assist my fishing. My phone never leaves the vehicle when I am fishing or kayaking or boating or taking pictures.

Last week on vacation the most activity my smart phone engaged in was constantly reminding me that the GPS signal was lost as my wife and I drove around sightseeing and taking pictures. I found it enjoyable that there are people who somehow need to be reminded that they are places that aren't just a click away. With a DeLorme tucked under the seat we went everywhere we wanted to go with no intrusive surveillance.

I go outside to be outside, away from all the connectivity and hub-bub. I'll leave the virtues of AI to the terminally connected and keep on doing things the old way.


Tim Murphy :)
Great post, and how I feel about things. I’m just not into technology much. As far as fishing I’ll say two things.

1. The internet has already screwed some things up, creating a new, lazy breed of fisherman that isn’t really into the outdoors the way they think they are, or they’d be spending all their time exploring instead of sitting on devices. Not to mention spot burning that’s another issue.

2. I believe this with all my heart!! Regardless of how many videos you watch, what you google, and how much fancy stuff you buy, NOTHING replaces man hours on the water, period. I’m 42, and fish every chance I get. But when I was younger, I literally fished 5/6 times almost every week, all year long. The people I know that are the best fisherman are like this, fishing tons of days every year. I don’t care if it’s spin or fly fish either this applies. You can’t beat on water training.

As a funny note to these phenomenons, I do get a kick out of the younger dudes(and some old alike) but there’s a lot of young ones, walking around with 2,000 dollar outfits with 1000 dollar rods and barely can catch a fish. I don’t know why but this cracks me up especially when someone else walks in and catches a 25” trout on live bait. And see it more now than I used to. I was just fishing a variety of Great Lakes tribs and they were out in force lol!!

Happy fishing to all!! Just my opinion.
Pie are not square... cornbread are square... pie are round.
I found that funny when my calculus professor told it to the class, 45 years ago.

Besides, I make awesome cornbread in a 12 inch cast iron skillet and it is round. ;-)
My point isn't that ChatGPT is an excellent poet. My point is that with no effort at all people are handed something that is decent. No one has to learn anything anymore. Photomath, essay writers, etc. Our future generations are getting dumber.

I don't view AI as positives in this regard. It will have many positives in society, though.
"Nobody wants to work."-Me
1 Cast iron skillet = 1 round cornbread. I’m not sure AI would agree or not.
I heard this from a man way more seasoned than I am. (He may have had the same teacher as FarmerDave.) When he was growing up, skillets were used for taters, eggs, and everything else cooked on the stovetop. Square/rectangular loaf pans were used for all quick breads (and after every hog-slaughter, making scrapple).
"Artificial intelligence" is an inaccurate term.

A more accurate term would be "imitation of intelligence."

These programs are "trained" on massive quantities of the writings of human beings.

So, everything AI writes is derivative of what humans have created.

So, it's just regurgitation, with some re-arrangement.

Epic copyright cases are on the way, because these AI programs are using peoples' copyrighted material without permission.
Actually, it isn't regurgitation. It's generation. Totally different. It duplicates the human mind. We use past occurrences and experiences in what we do, write, and create. So does this. The scary thing is it is getting better.
It's no a violation of copyright to paraphrase, segment or reference. It's just basically a human cheating by letting a program do one's research and writing. However the applications, for those looking to solve real problems rather than claim they wrote something they didn't, are incredible. Who doesn't Google when they need to know something they don't. Imagine. With the right prompts, being able to access the entire internet (these days that means anything that's ever been written) to solve real problems. Energy, money, medicine, there are no limits. But like alternative energy sources and autonomous machines, some will resist to the point of holding society back from progressing once again.
I don't consider it cheating at all. To be honest, I work with writers of varying experiences. AI is another employee. Process is the same, I get a piece a copy edit it -- sometimes a little sometimes a lot -- and fact-check it. I don't consider working with junior writers "cheating." Really, the only difference is the source. It's far from perfect (right now). I've never gotten anything from ChatGPT that didn't need reworked. But what it does do, is come up with different approaches to copy, new ways of thinking, and looking at structure and syntax. As far as research goes, you have to be very careful, it can make things up. As I mentioned before, in my opinion, it's not there yet but it is sure as hell getting there.
I don't consider it cheating at all. To be honest, I work with writers of varying experiences. AI is another employee. Process is the same, I get a piece a copy edit it -- sometimes a little sometimes a lot -- and fact-check it. I don't consider working with junior writers "cheating." Really, the only difference is the source. It's far from perfect (right now). I've never gotten anything from ChatGPT that didn't need reworked. But what it does do, is come up with different approaches to copy, new ways of thinking, and looking at structure and syntax. As far as research goes, you have to be very careful, it can make things up. As I mentioned before, in my opinion, it's not there yet but it is sure as hell getting there.
I totally agree. If used for a practical purpose, it is not cheating. That's what I said , "However the applications, for those looking to solve real problems rather than claim they wrote something they didn't, are incredible."
Previously referring to the students using it to do their papers rather doing the work themselves. We didn't all carry tiny computers in our pockets 40 years ago. I enjoy watching the younger kids at work scrunching up their faces when I do the math in my head and blurt it out in the time it takes to open their calculator app. I don't think it makes them any dumber, as someone suggested, They have a resource we did not. I see a lot of older peole who can;t call up their Pirate tickets o their phone and have to go to the ticket window to have them printed. ( I was one the first time) I don't walk to work just because my grandmother didn't own a car. i'm lucky enough to be able to read a map and use a GPS. Its called progress. That's what some people have a problem with.
I heard this from a man way more seasoned than I am. (He may have had the same teacher as FarmerDave.) When he was growing up, skillets were used for taters, eggs, and everything else cooked on the stovetop. Square/rectangular loaf pans were used for all quick breads (and after every hog-slaughter, making scrapple).
I may not be well seasoned, but my cast iron skillets are.
We didn't all carry tiny computers in our pockets 40 years ago. I enjoy watching the younger kids at work scrunching up their faces when I do the math in my head and blurt it out in the time it takes to open their calculator app.
😂. Yep and it blows my mind when I buy something for $11.01, give them a $20 that they punch in the register then hand them a penny after the fact and they have NO idea what I’m going.
😂. Yep and it blows my mind when I buy something for $11.01, give them a $20 that they punch in the register then hand them a penny after the fact and they have NO idea what I’m going.
LOL. Aint that the truth, but I think I can top that.

I once handed a $13 bill with Bill Clinton's picture on it to a convenience store cashier thinking she would laugh. She studied it for a little bit and then started making change. I of course stopped her. And I think that was when Clinton was in office.
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😂. Yep and it blows my mind when I buy something for $11.01, give them a $20 that they punch in the register then hand them a penny after the fact and they have NO idea what I’m going.

Yeah, people ain't to good at thinking these days. There are a lot of people that can't mentally count back change and "the penny" really throws off. It's definitely getting worse now that everyone swipes cards all of the time.

I'm guilty, I rarely ever have cash.
Having info in the palm of your hand may or may not make you dumber but it seems like it has changed the way I think. There is no longer the need to commit to memory certain details, say the scientific name of some plant or butterfly. Something I once took pride in knowing is readily found in seconds. Same with a kid and math problems. Why bother actually learning the math when you can look it up . I don't know if there are any scientific studies on this change but It is just my experience. Computers and AI probably will change the human brain over time.

p.s. I actually do think people are getting dumber.
My better half teaches HS Psychology, the use of AI to cheat is rampant and for the most part laughable. She's getting doctor level writings from students that usually string together half baked ideas like they're typing a text message. She also uses applications that will flag assignments as possibly AI created. She then tends typically ask the students in-person to further elaborate on their answers, most then fess up to cheating.

I get a 2nd hand accounting of these comical tales. :)
Sad to see. The first clue should be the absence of the word "like" as used in their conversational exchanges.

Yeah, people ain't to good at thinking these days. There are a lot of people that can't mentally count back change and "the penny" really throws off. It's definitely getting worse now that everyone swipes cards all of the time.

I'm guilty, I rarely ever have cash.
Math isn't the problem. However, the inability to think is.
So, my computer is a poet, and I didn't even know it. ;-)

Frankly, I'm not into poetry. I find is about as useful as me remembering the value of pi to at least 12 digits since college (over 40 years ago). These days, I am more interested in pie.
Pecan pie!
😂. Yep and it blows my mind when I buy something for $11.01, give them a $20 that they punch in the register then hand them a penny after the fact and they have NO idea what I’m going.
Just tell them they owe you a 20 in change. They'll probably hand your 20 back to you.
But ..... There is math that is very, very hard, at least for me. But counting back change is definitely not a form of it.