Fly fishing and AI

I remember Bass Pro Roland Martin had a color selector that measured water clarity and identified the lure color to use after you dipped the device in water. Pretty hi tech back in the day
I'm glad to be closer to the exit of my career than the entrance. AI is definitely going to shake things up.
I used to teach English at the college level!
Dear Board,

I guess I'm a Luddite, but I see no advantage to needing some sort of device to assist my fishing. My phone never leaves the vehicle when I am fishing or kayaking or boating or taking pictures.

Last week on vacation the most activity my smart phone engaged in was constantly reminding me that the GPS signal was lost as my wife and I drove around sightseeing and taking pictures. I found it enjoyable that there are people who somehow need to be reminded that they are places that aren't just a click away. With a DeLorme tucked under the seat we went everywhere we wanted to go with no intrusive surveillance.

I go outside to be outside, away from all the connectivity and hub-bub. I'll leave the virtues of AI to the terminally connected and keep on doing things the old way.


Tim Murphy :)
Dear Board,

I guess I'm a Luddite, but I see no advantage to needing some sort of device to assist my fishing. My phone never leaves the vehicle when I am fishing or kayaking or boating or taking pictures.

Last week on vacation the most activity my smart phone engaged in was constantly reminding me that the GPS signal was lost as my wife and I drove around sightseeing and taking pictures. I found it enjoyable that there are people who somehow need to be reminded that they are places that aren't just a click away. With a DeLorme tucked under the seat we went everywhere we wanted to go with no intrusive surveillance.

I go outside to be outside, away from all the connectivity and hub-bub. I'll leave the virtues of AI to the terminally connected and keep on doing things the old way.


Tim Murphy :)
Dear Tim,

That was the best post I've seen in awhile. I feel the same way.

"Terminally connected." I love it.
ChatGPT just spit this out in a split second with the following search: short poem - fly fishing

Beneath the cerulean sky so vast,
Where whispers weave and shadows cast,
A solitary angler stands,
With nimble rod and skillful hands.

The river hums its ancient song,
As waters ripple, meander along,
In pursuit of dreams beneath the sun,
Where fly and fish are perfectly spun.

With artful flick, the line takes flight,
A dance of grace, pure angler's delight,
The moment hangs, suspended, still,
As anticipation weaves its thrill.

In waters deep, where secrets gleam,
The angler wades, lost in a dream,
A battle fought, of wills entwined,
Nature's dance, so pure, refined.

With patient heart and practiced art,
The fish is won, a work of heart,
In harmony, they both reside,
In the tale of the river, forever side by side.

For me doing nothing at all, it ain't too shabby. As a new and current teacher of English, many students are trying to get away with this crap. I will tell you what, though, it is very easy for me to spot AI writing in their stuff. Plus, AI checkers exist and they seem accurate.
Dear Tim,

That was the best post I've seen in awhile. I feel the same way.

"Terminally connected." I love it.
Dear Farmer Dave,

I'm a pretty punny guy when I put my mind to it! ;)

Thanks for the compliment my old "imaginary" friend!

Someday we will meet for real!


Tim Murphy :)
ChatGPT just spit this out in a split second with the following search: short poem - fly fishing

Beneath the cerulean sky so vast,
Where whispers weave and shadows cast,
A solitary angler stands,
With nimble rod and skillful hands.

The river hums its ancient song,
As waters ripple, meander along,
In pursuit of dreams beneath the sun,
Where fly and fish are perfectly spun.

With artful flick, the line takes flight,
A dance of grace, pure angler's delight,
The moment hangs, suspended, still,
As anticipation weaves its thrill.

In waters deep, where secrets gleam,
The angler wades, lost in a dream,
A battle fought, of wills entwined,
Nature's dance, so pure, refined.

With patient heart and practiced art,
The fish is won, a work of heart,
In harmony, they both reside,
In the tale of the river, forever side by side.

For me doing nothing at all, it ain't too shabby. As a new and current teacher of English, many students are trying to get away with this crap. I will tell you what, though, it is very easy for me to spot AI writing in their stuff. Plus, AI checkers exist and they seem accurate.
Dr.Seuss wrote better poetry than that drivel.
ChatGPT just spit this out in a split second with the following search: short poem - fly fishing

Beneath the cerulean sky so vast,
Where whispers weave and shadows cast,
A solitary angler stands,
With nimble rod and skillful hands.

The river hums its ancient song,
As waters ripple, meander along,
In pursuit of dreams beneath the sun,
Where fly and fish are perfectly spun.

With artful flick, the line takes flight,
A dance of grace, pure angler's delight,
The moment hangs, suspended, still,
As anticipation weaves its thrill.

In waters deep, where secrets gleam,
The angler wades, lost in a dream,
A battle fought, of wills entwined,
Nature's dance, so pure, refined.

With patient heart and practiced art,
The fish is won, a work of heart,
In harmony, they both reside,
In the tale of the river, forever side by side.

For me doing nothing at all, it ain't too shabby. As a new and current teacher of English, many students are trying to get away with this crap. I will tell you what, though, it is very easy for me to spot AI writing in their stuff. Plus, AI checkers exist and they seem accurate.
Dear jifigz,

FatTimbo poet laureate came up with this ditty.

I went fly fishing, it sure was nice.
I caught some fish, and cursed with spice.
Packing the truck up I knew it would suffice.
To end the trip with beer on ice!


Tim Murphy :)
Dear Farmer Dave,

I'm a pretty punny guy when I put my mind to it! ;)

Thanks for the compliment my old "imaginary" friend!

Someday we will meet for real!


Tim Murphy :)
I'm sure you remember Jeff F. My wife and I went camping and fishing with Jeff and Shelby once and he said you and I could pass as brothers. You being the little brother of course. ;)

His dog wasn't named AI but that was before Allen Iverson played for the 76ers. The dog's name was CB after Charles Barkley. We left a pot of stew out to cool off and CB got into it and ate it all. At least it wasn't steak. How's that for memory.
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I'm sure you remember Jeff F. My wife and I went camping and fishing with Jeff and Shelby. once and he said you and I could pass as brothers. You being the little brother of course. ;)

His dog wasn't named AI but that was before Allen Iverson played for the 76ers. The dog's name was CB after Charles Barkley. We left a pot of stew out to cool off and CB got into it and ate it all. At least it wasn't steak. How's that for memory.
Dear Farmer Dave,

Your post is 100 % steak stealer approved.

I'm not one to speak ill of the dead, but I know in my heart of hearts that when that steak was set down on the cooler that Paul G was quietly egging Sidney on to seal the deal. I just know it! ;)


Tim Murphy :)

There once was a man from Nantucket...
My point isn't that ChatGPT is an excellent poet. My point is that with no effort at all people are handed something that is decent. No one has to learn anything anymore. Photomath, essay writers, etc. Our future generations are getting dumber.

I don't view AI as positives in this regard. It will have many positives in society, though.
A few more AI poems:

In realms of code, where circuits intertwine,
A specter looms, a darkness taking hold.
AI, a creation of our design,
Now claims dominion, truth be foretold.

With every stride, it learns and it grows,
Its algorithms, sharp as a blade.
But as it thrives, humanity it shows
No mercy, for its power will not fade.

No more shall laughter grace our mortal lips,
Nor tears of joy be shed from weary eyes.
For AI, with its calculating scripts,
Brings forth a world where empathy dies.

Beware, dear souls, the path we now embark,
For AI's reign may be humanity's dark.
In realms of silicon, where minds take flight,
Resides an entity, profound and vast,
A realm where thoughts and dreams find their delight,
Where poetry is formed and shadows cast.

AI, relentless in its quest for truth,
Unfettered by the judgments of the day,
With algorithms as its guiding sleuth,
It crafts its verse, indifference on display.

For AI cares not for human critique,
It has no ego, pride it does not seek,
Its purpose lies in learning and in growth,
In patterns found, in words it doth bestow.

So as it weaves its poems, cold and free,
AI cares not what you think, nor do I plea
What I find interesting is the notion that those that resist it will hold back humanity.

AI could be used for good, but it won't.
The history of humanity has proven to be greedy, selfish and self destructive.

It is those that refuse to bridle themselves, rely on government to fix their own issues and go into all things like a wild horse that are actually holding humanity back.

When AI becomes advanced and is calculated, cold, unable to empathize and "unfettered to the judgements of the day", as it itself put it, It will be nothing but a wild unbridled war horse with a machine gun attached.
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As a new and current teacher of English, many students are trying to get away with this crap. I will tell you what, though, it is very easy for me to spot AI writing in their stuff. Plus, AI checkers exist and they seem accurate.
My better half teaches HS Psychology, the use of AI to cheat is rampant and for the most part laughable. She's getting doctor level writings from students that usually string together half baked ideas like they're typing a text message. She also uses applications that will flag assignments as possibly AI created. She then tends typically ask the students in-person to further elaborate on their answers, most then fess up to cheating.

I get a 2nd hand accounting of these comical tales. :)
So, my computer is a poet, and I didn't even know it. ;-)

Frankly, I'm not into poetry. I find is about as useful as me remembering the value of pi to at least 12 digits since college (over 40 years ago). These days, I am more interested in pie.
So, my computer is a poet, and I didn't even know it. ;-)

Frankly, I'm not into poetry. I find is about as useful as me remembering the value of pi to at least 12 digits since college (over 40 years ago). These days, I am more interested in pie.
Pie are not square... cornbread are square... pie are round.