Fly Dressing

Thanks LL I think I will give that a try.

Wow, LL, you scooped me on awesome cheap ideas.

Do you crush them up first, or do you leave them as the wee little balls? I hated the Dri-Ur-Fly as I got powdered stuff everyhere, and figured it was probably very unhealthy for me and anything else it touched (like, y'know, the stream I was fishing and the fish eating the flies), so I stopped.

But what you've got, that could eb good.
a gink man here... will even coat my flies the night before if I know I'm fishing a specific hatch. powder does help those suckers ride high after submerged from fighting a fish.
I use thie silca gel instead of the powder, I also use Carmex lip balm instead of the "Pricey and Effective" Gink.....but I'm notoriously cheap....

littlelehigh wrote:
WildTigerTrout wrote:
You use that fancy stuff. LOL. I use Cortland's Dri-ur-fly. Stick the fly in tippet and all and shake. I would like to try Loon's product that uses some kind of beads to dry the fly. I can't remember the name right off hand but I think that would be even better because when your done the fly has no residue on it. Any of you fellas ever try that stuff?

Take those silicon packs you get with a new pair of shoes, purse etc and empty them into a film canister. Same effect less $$$$. GIve it a shot works for me.
Volksnurse wrote:
I use thie silca gel instead of the powder, I also use Carmex lip balm instead of the "Pricey and Effective" Gink.....but I'm notoriously cheap....

Pfft. You're still bush league cheap, sir.
Lifetime supply, $9.
jdaddy wrote:
FWIW, Tiemco Dry Magic works on hackle, CDC, anything and does not cause a oil slick on the surface like gel and does not create a powdery mess with tons of lost material like powdered desiccants. It is truly magical.

Surprised HA, has not made a comment.

This stuff is amazingly Wican magical. It could get rid of a ghost monkey curse. Love it!