Fishing near Camelback



New member
Mar 6, 2012
Hi all. I'm heading up to Camelback with my wife and a ski group next weekend and I'm hoping against hope for a few hours fishing. Can anyone point me to fishable water close enough that it won't get me divorced? Would very much appreciate it, as stream hours are hard to come by these days with wife and baby . . .

Brookie stream, small fish, doesn't matter. Just looking for a nice few hours on the water.

DM is fine if you prefer.

Have not fished it, but the Class A section of Big Pocono Ck is near-by. Perhaps someone else can comment on it.
It's been a few years, but I've fish in the SGL right at the base of Camelback. Never during the winter, but in November, there were browns and brookies. I didn't catch many fish, is was just past spawning. Give it a try, the lower sections of the creek are all on private property, but there are fish there. Just don't fish the private water without permission.
Pocono CK is right there, but the newest regulations have it closed to fishing for 9 miles from near Tanite Rd in Stroudsburg up to the confluence with Scot Run (just at the upper end of Crossroads Mall). That closes some of the best parts of the stream, but the section right at Camelback is above the closure. I'm not sure how it fishes in the winter, but a cold snap could ice it over.
JeffK wrote:
Pocono CK is right there, but the newest regulations have it closed to fishing for 9 miles from near Tanite Rd in Stroudsburg up to the confluence with Scot Run (just at the upper end of Crossroads Mall). That closes some of the best parts of the stream, but the section right at Camelback is above the closure. I'm not sure how it fishes in the winter, but a cold snap could ice it over.

Where and what specifically is this closure? Is it closed to fishing from a regulation standpoint, or do you just mean it's posted private property?
It is closed by regulation. It only shows up on the interactive regulation map - check "closed to fishing - streams" and it pops up.

Needless to say, it has some of us confused and bummed out. That stretch had some good fishing for wild browns and a few brookies. Can't fish at Crossroads while the family shops.
Got ya, thanks.

That's bizarre. When you click on the creek, then on the "more info" link it's not listed on the page of special closed waters it takes you to. Another weird one on there is a section of Laurel Run in Perry Co...same thing, also not listed on the closed waters page the link takes you to.

Anyone have any info on what's going on here? Mistake? PFBC? Mike?
Thanks to all. Weird about Pocono Creek being closed, for sure, but good to hear it may be worth while where open. I had seen it and Wolf Swamp Run on the Class A list. Interesting that the brookie enhancement data on Wolf Swamp (as well as anecdotal input on this forum) does not reveal much improvement in the stream due to the enhancement program. It does not seem that anyone has had a positive experience, but perhaps with it being winter there may be less brush and better "casting" potential. Depending on how many beverages I've had the night before, I may opt for a hike into Wolf Swamp--bad fishing or not--for the exercise.
Valentines weekend getaway with the wife and you're asking about fishing in the area. What could possibly go wrong?
I read somewhere that the local TU Chapter is has done or is doing steam improvement in this stretch.
Sounds to me like we ought to organize a fishing weekend for that section and get in opened again. It BS that it's closed.
Honestly that may be a mistake. Why would it be closed? I asked a buddy tonight who guides in the poconos, he said it just doesnt make any sense why they would close it. The little bushkill up in the national park is also closed. Who knows why.
fisherboy3 wrote:
Honestly that may be a mistake. Why would it be closed? I asked a buddy tonight who guides in the poconos, he said it just doesnt make any sense why they would close it.

Agreed. It's probably a mistake on the map.
