Fishing Large Dry Flies

mikesl wrote:
OK, so would it be fair to say that putting a larger offering in the part of the water column the trout are feeding from can be more effective than matching what they are eating if it is tiny, because either the trout will move further or take more risk for the big meal or it's easier to make a realistic impression with a larger fly, or all of the above?
I could certainly buy that, and seems to be a theme in Bob Wyatt's book as well.

I find sometimes during a major hatch that it can be very tough for fish to even take notice of your offering because the food source is just so abundant. I have found if I get my nippers out and and cripple the match the hatch fly I'm using and make it a little different than the norm. It seems to work.... Sometimes. I carry magic markers with me at times too. Little changes on the fly sometimes can make it happen. I've only been doing this a short time now so take it for what its worth. Fly'n since 76. Good luck and have fun.