Fingerling or wild Rainbow

Don’t underestimate the skills of our resident photo sleuths. ;)
Ain't buying it. I maintain what I said in my previous post. The key words were "only" and "no background". :)
The OP mentioned several things in his initial post that could help in an "investigation" of the stream/location. Leave all of that out and there'd be no discovery.
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Quite honestly, it's declined significantly in the past five years to the point I rarely go out of my way to fish it anymore. It saw an amazing amount of pressure during COVID and the locals seem to be having their way with it as well. There was a poaching event in the museum area a few years back in which +/- two dozen browns (some of them quite large) were poached, skewered with a stick, and hung from a tree. Made no sense.
I'm sorry to hear this. It was, I think, the first stream I took my daughter-probably when she was 3 or 4 years old-simply because of how the walking paths paralleled the stream. I didn't fish it often, maybe once or twice a year when I lived in the 717, but I enjoyed every outing. Just a total change of pace from what I normally fished. The poaching incident, as you describe it, has peaked my interest, especially within the context of some of the discussions had on this board over the past year or so.
I've been very impressed with one forum member identifying my whereabouts from photos that I had posted. I thought Trae photos had no real give aways, but boy was that eye-opening. Now, that led to he and I having some pretty good conversations through the PAFF PM's.
Ain't buying it. I maintain what I said in my previous post. The key words were "only" and "no background". :)
The OP mentioned several things in his initial post that could help in an "investigation" of the stream/location. Leave all of that out and there'd be no discovery.
Photos contain GPS coordinates unless you disable them on your phone or you use a non cellular camera. I haven’t ever stopped that low before but I know it can be done.

I have also posted a picture of a large wild brown with zero background and got spot burned on here. I’m promptly took the photo down. Mike has also been good enough to guess my streams privately based on the rocks present in the streams.
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Mike has also been good enough to guess my streams privately based on the rocks present in the streams.
That is impressive. Ther are some streams that can be identified by colors and spot patterns on the trout that live in them, that I'm a believer in. I guess there's no real way of stopping that. I think it's more the exception rather than the rule though.
That looks just like the fingerlings I see stocked. I really feel there isn't hardly a way to tell if a rainbow is wild in PA.
Hate to do it but doing it anyway😁
This fish was caught in a Berks class A section brownie stream. The section is not stocked by state but is for a kids rodeo at one hole in mid spring.🤐 It was found just below a spring influence (I think) about a half mile up from that stocking point. All fins look perfect including dorsal. I’m pretty excited about it so hopefully no one bursts my bubble. Would love to hear some input, thanks.View attachment 1641233654View attachment 1641233655View attachment 1641233656
Obviously it can be both....a fingerling wild rainbow.
Ain't buying it. I maintain what I said in my previous post. The key words were "only" and "no background". :)
I'm buying it now, after looking into metadata/EXIF. I should have know better than to second guess Swattie. :) I offer my apologies to him, as well as HopBack, who was also right. I'm getting older, but not too old to continue to learn. Thanks for the info guys. Again, my apologies, I was wrong.
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Haha. No apology needed. Just keep posting pictures everybody. ;)

Yeah, step 1, turn off the GPS settings on your phone’s camera. That’s an easy one. If enabled, the exact spot of the photo’s location (and therefore the individual fish itself), +/- about 40 feet, can be deciphered by even 101 level photo sleuths with a couple clicks, and a copy and paste of the coordinates into any free online mapping software. Google Maps works just fine.

I usually don’t go there as a matter of first course, just because it’s too easy, and I enjoy the challenge of trying to figure things out based on the context clues and photos. Once I think I have it, I’ll use the GPS coordinates to confirm I’m right, if they are available. Good Winterime pastime I’ve found.

If it’s in PA, and there’s a description and photos in a post, I’m pretty confident I could get most of them without the GPS tags. Or if not, I’m nearly certain I could get the general area, if not the specific stream. Yeah, just a random fish photo with no background and no context is tougher, but still can be done. Some watersheds have some unique genetic characteristics in the fish that can help point you in the right direction, but that’s just a clue to factor in, not a giveaway.

There are no GPS coordinates on YouTube videos, but I have been able to sleuth most of the streams, even the small ones, on most of the popular PA YT FFing channels…Allegheny Native/Lively Legz/WildBlueDiscovery/Hardway Outdoors/Suffering Outdoors/SC Outdoors/Everyday Outdoorsmen/Traveling Trout Co/Wooly Bugged/etc. None of these channels generally name where they are fishing, unless it’s a very large, popular stream that is fairly obvious anyway, but I can say that there isn’t a single PA YT video that I have not been able to figure out, if I was motivated enough by what I saw to give it enough time and effort.

Just a combination of experience with the way different landscapes and geologies across the state look and appear, context clues from the audio of the creator, and actual video footage of the stream and surroundings cross referenced with satellite mapping, and street level mapping if the stream is along a road, or there are any driving scenes cut into the video. It’s not THAT difficult, but it does take time, and you have to have a general know how of PA wild Trout habitats, and what streams and the woods in certain areas of the state look like. The more you do it, the better you get at it. Sometimes I’d only be able to narrow it down to a certain area. A certain Wooly Bugged video comes to mind where I narrowed it down to somewhere on public land in Sullivan County. I had a pretty good idea it was one of 3 or 4 streams. So I went and fished them over the course of about a month. It was fun. Found it on the third stream I tried. (And found two other good ones in the process as a bonus.) So it does take some field effort too sometimes.

To the OP on this one, I knew where you were by the end of the second sentence. I think a lot of guys familiar with that area probably did. Which is fine. I’ve always gone by the idea that if the OP chose to not name a stream in his OP, I assume he did so on purpose, and IMO it is a significant breach of etiquette for someone to come in later in the thread who recognized it, and named it, even if it was a fairly obvious one as was the case here. If the OP names where he is/was, then it’s fair game IMO. I do think that was in poor form here in this specific thread, even if it made little practical difference as I think everyone participating in the discussion knew what stream was being talked about.

Edit: I may enable GPS on my phone’s camera again, and then manually edit the GPS data before posting any pictures. That would be next level fun.

I think many of you know, and those who have fished with me definitely know, I’m not that great in terms of technical FFing skills. I think I can hold my own when it comes to deciding on where to try to catch fish though. ;)
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Great post Swattie. A perfect example of why I said (in a different thread) you provide a LOT of very useful information here on PAFF. I remember specifically the Wooly Bugged video you reference. I knew I had been there before as well, although a good many years prior. Very glad I got back there.
Really I was just mentioning all but the stream name to avoid the keyword search. I left enough info someone might say “hey I think I know what stream it is and yea they have stocked fingerlings” or any other knowledge they might have. When I’m looking into a new piece of water PAFF is absolutely a part of the search process along with other tools. If I was super concerned I wouldn’t have posted at all. Not exactly my stream to “get away” but I also didn’t want to blatantly hot spot it. I’m also not gonna criticize someone who seems to have done more for the sake of a stream than I ever will.

Someone willing to tell me where this photo is taken for funsies?😁
IMG 4045
Somewhere in the Susky or Delaware drainages. :) I’m sure of that!

Skuke River downstream of Hamburg, or a medium to large size direct trib of the Skuke, somewhere below Hamburg, would be my best guess. Just a random photo is hard, but I bet I’m pretty close. Though a random photo of an average size RBS without any context wouldn’t motivate me to work real hard to figure it out.

Edit: (I did not download the photo to check for GPS data, if there is any.)
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