Fingerling or wild Rainbow

Sometimes those unannounced stockings are because the original target stream was in unsuitable condition to receive the fish as in too warm or low.
There are other Berks streams with wild rainbows so it’s not a stretch.
When someone didn't get the hint....

Ehhh, I get your point, but that stream is far from a secret. There was enough info in the OP to connect the dots. Your point is well-taken though as the OP wished for it to remain nameless. Quite honestly, it's declined significantly in the past five years to the point I rarely go out of my way to fish it anymore. It saw an amazing amount of pressure during COVID and the locals seem to be having their way with it as well. There was a poaching event in the museum area a few years back in which +/- two dozen browns (some of them quite large) were poached, skewered with a stick, and hung from a tree. Made no sense.

With respect to TIC rainbows, I ran into a similar situation on a southern York County stream a few years back in which I hooked into some smaller rainbows that appeared to be wild. After doing some research, I was able to determine that they were in fact TIC fish from a local school. Small trout that appear to be wild really gets the curiosity going, particularly when it comes to wild rainbows, since they aren't that common.

IMG 3521
The Breeches gets a stocking of fingerlings once in a while from the Fish Comission. A friend of mine who is on the stocking truck said when Huntsdale has excess fingerlings they stock them in some local streams. I was on the Breeches below Boilingsprings a few years ago and watched them stock them. They do not anounce it so many think they are catch wild rainbows and even a few browns but they can be stocked fish. This explains why they are there some years and not others.
I disagree. These populations pop up all over the state and no, the commission is not just randomly dumping rainbow fingerlings in all of these streams where they are found. So, they sometimes stock extras into the Breeches but not put it on a list like this.
I know they pull audibles in the stocking, but the fingerling program is so small I wouldn't think they would divert those fish.
Ehhh, I get your point, but that stream is far from a secret. There was enough info in the OP to connect the dots. Your point is well-taken though as the OP wished for it to remain nameless. Quite honestly, it's declined significantly in the past five years to the point I rarely go out of my way to fish it anymore. It saw an amazing amount of pressure during COVID and the locals seem to be having their way with it as well. There was a poaching event in the museum area a few years back in which +/- two dozen browns (some of them quite large) were poached, skewered with a stick, and hung from a tree.

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The stream appears on the annual stocking schedule for one section, the Class A list for two of its other sections, which amount to 6 miles, the wild trout streams list, has a small fishing rodeo, and was stocked for years (and may still be) within the PFBC presently stocked section. If you search here, you will find other descriptive posts about the stream and its fish population.
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Generality: Having never seen a TIC RT just prior to or at the time of release, I don’t know if their appearance differs from that of a wild RT fingerling at that point in time. Certainly by now, of those that might survive I doubt that one could tell the difference even if TIC fish at the date of stocking had a different appearance then. RT grow fast, especially in limestone and limestone influenced streams.

TIC ST looked so wild during the summer following a spring release, resulting in my staff going on a wild goose chase in the tribs in search of a reproducing ST population before we learned that TIC fish had been stocked a few months earlier in our sampling site. All that were found in some of the tribs were more wild browns.
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I tried to keep it unnamed for keyword searches cause I know I use em to find stream info but o well. Being where it’s located it’s no surprise that it gets beat up. I live a couple miles away so it’s hard not to stop in from time to time. I do see some weird things there sometimes and often am bothered by walkers haha….the TIC ST goose chase In mohnton is a funny story to me😁
I tried to keep it unnamed for keyword searches cause I know I use em to find stream info but o well. Being where it’s located it’s no surprise that it gets beat up. I live a couple miles away so it’s hard not to stop in from time to time. I do see some weird things there sometimes and often am bothered by walkers haha….the TIC ST goose chase In mohnton is a funny story to me😁
Hey, I was about to figure out what stream you were talking about from just the info you provided. I've never fished it, never seen it, never even been around it, heck, I've never even really heard of it, but from your post and an intelligently worded Google search, I figured it out.

That should tell us a little something-something.

It was your post #12 that contains all required info.
Hey, I was about to figure out what stream you were talking about from just the info you provided. I've never fished it, never seen it, never even been around it, heck, I've never even really heard of it, but from your post and an intelligently worded Google search, I figured it out.

That should tell us a little something-something.

It was your post #12 that contains all required info.
In my mind, even though you are able to figure it out, you still had to do the investigating to get the info. That’s the type of info that makes sense to be on a forum like this. It’s enough info to help people who are invested in the hobby but not enough to show up on google search results. This is one of the ways for new guys like me to find good water and still have to work a little and do some research but then show up to water with at least a little confidence that there are fish in the water 👍
In my mind, even though you are able to figure it out, you still had to do the investigating to get the info. That’s the type of info that makes sense to be on a forum like this. It’s enough info to help people who are invested in the hobby but not enough to show up on google search results. This is one of the ways for new guys like me to find good water and still have to work a little and do some research but then show up to water with at least a little confidence that there are fish in the water 👍
The PFBC already tells us lots of spots with fish in the water. This stream is on three lists for various sections: stocking list, natural reproduction list, and Class A. That's fine because these lists are merely a guide and I've fished some "Class A's" that I'll never return to and I've fished some regular "Nat-Repo" streams that are off the charts awesome.

The problem when we talk about things more in detail, and no, this thread is non saying too much IMO, is that anyone is able to figure this stuff out. Tons of people "lurk" and PAFF comes up in plenty of Google searches and threads are browsed by tons of people who aren't members. But when a stream that is a "sleeper stream" starts to get talked about too much and when anyone can discover this info without actually finding it in real life, aka, stumbling upon the stream, we might start running into problems.

I have streams that I love dearly that would become horrible if they started getting pounded on the daily by guys. I've had streams around that are noticeably getting more pressure (the stream we don't talk about, some of you will know what stream that is), and I have gems that I would hate to see get pressured. It's a fine line between getting the streams you love the respect and protection they deserve and then not having them turn into Spring Creek, the Little J, or Penns.

I've had two users on PAFF blatantly state their opinions of how bad certain streams are and why they aren't worth fishing......I just let them keep thinking that. (HopBack, you might remember one such instance.)
The PFBC already tells us lots of spots with fish in the water. This stream is on three lists for various sections: stocking list, natural reproduction list, and Class A. That's fine because these lists are merely a guide and I've fished some "Class A's" that I'll never return to and I've fished some regular "Nat-Repo" streams that are off the charts awesome.

The problem when we talk about things more in detail, and no, this thread is non saying too much IMO, is that anyone is able to figure this stuff out. Tons of people "lurk" and PAFF comes up in plenty of Google searches and threads are browsed by tons of people who aren't members. But when a stream that is a "sleeper stream" starts to get talked about too much and when anyone can discover this info without actually finding it in real life, aka, stumbling upon the stream, we might start running into problems.

I have streams that I love dearly that would become horrible if they started getting pounded on the daily by guys. I've had streams around that are noticeably getting more pressure (the stream we don't talk about, some of you will know what stream that is), and I have gems that I would hate to see get pressured. It's a fine line between getting the streams you love the respect and protection they deserve and then not having them turn into Spring Creek, the Little J, or Penns.

I've had two users on PAFF blatantly state their opinions of how bad certain streams are and why they aren't worth fishing......I just let them keep thinking that. (HopBack, you might remember one such instance.)
I agree with that ☝️
It’s a fine line. It definitely seems like the worst thing is posting pictures of big trout. That can really inspire a lot of people to “investigate”.
May your hidden gems remain hidden! 🥂
Sorry to correct you on the unanounced fingerling but I was on the Breeches when they did it. Also my friend who works with the commision told me that they had too many fish at Huntsdale and needed to get rid of some. I live in Boilingsprings and spend hundreds of days fishing and guiding on the Breeches so if someone wants to doupt be OK but I personaly saw it and heard the reason. I assume you have other proof?
Sorry to correct you on the unanounced fingerling but I was on the Breeches when they did it. Also my friend who works with the commision told me that they had too many fish at Huntsdale and needed to get rid of some. I live in Boilingsprings and spend hundreds of days fishing and guiding on the Breeches so if someone wants to doupt be OK but I personaly saw it and heard the reason. I assume you have other proof?
No, I have no proof. I also don't doubt that they did it that day. I'm saying this: the sporadic populations that pop up all over the state are not from the state randomly dumping in fingerlings all over the place unannounced.

It sounded to me that you were drawing the conclusion that random statewide planting of rainbow fingerlings explains the small rainbow populations that pop up in places from time to time and that you were mostly dismissing the notion of wild populations. I think that's false.
I never said that at all. I pointed out that it happened once that I can personaly testify to on the Breeches. Also as poined out prior there are other ways fingerlings get stocked in Pa. Consider how many othe nurseries, co-ops and private hatcheries in the state. I agree there can be some wild reproduction of rainbows but I also believe there are other forces happening. I can count less then a dozen streams that I know have natural reproduction of wild rainbows in Pa. I assume there can be more.
Virgina and North Carolina has a abundance of streams with natural reproducing rainbows.
I agree Rainbows can be travelers. Same with Brown Trout. This time of year some guys target Brown Trout in some sections of the susquehanna river. I have seen some very impressive pictures of them. Water tempetures are way to warm in the summer so this is the time of year they target them. There are other smallmouth streams that have very large browns in them also but I will not spot burn them.
It’s a fine line. It definitely seems like the worst thing is posting pictures of big trout. That can really inspire a lot of people to “investigate”.
If you're ONLY showing the trout itself in a photo, with no background to give away the location of the stream, there's nothing to investigate.
If you're ONLY showing the trout itself in a photo, with no background to give away the location of the stream, there's nothing to investigate.

Don’t underestimate the skills of our resident photo sleuths. ;)