Finger guard

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
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Active member
Sep 9, 2006
I was wondering if anyone uses one while fishing for larger species of fish. While fishing I have a tendency to hold the line with my middle finger in my rod hand while stripping a streamer. I had a large carp take it during a strip set, the fishes initial run was violent and it sent my line flying through my finger, gave me a nasty cut in the bend of my finger. I'm going to try a leather finger guard and see how it feels. Anyone else do this or have other methods?
Nope i havent.

I have chewed up a finger bad in one day using a sharkskin line. I i swap between index and middle throughout the day.
Use your left hand to control the line until youre on the reel. I dump the line when i strip strike kings. Subconciously. I think its more mechanics than an actual dump. The strip strike pops it free.

On that note. I fished enough one summer i had a bad callous in the crease of my index finger where the line ran lol! Took a few years to go away. I considered a glove but never could get used to it. I would cut the hard skin off and hope it wasnt too much. Lol!
I do use my left to control the line but it feeds through my right middle finger first. I'm self taught and used this technique to detect strikes while nymphing. It's like keeping one finger on the line while bait fishing. Not enough tension to deter drift but you can feel a very slight take. It's carried over and likely won't be a habit I can break after 27 years.

I have gloves and use them in the winter but hate how they feel like you. Thanks for your insight though. I do appreciate it.
Never tried them but they might be worth checking out, definitely not as obstructive as a leather glove.
Thanks I was going to go with a leather finger guard but those are probably more comfortable.
I do a similar idea swinging. I only strip strike big fish, or if i am slow on the trigger. I will start strip strike. My 10 footer is where i start having issues, its a lot of rod to bend to get tight. But in theory once you jerk the line hand down u should come free with the rod going up. If not it should ride pretty free on the finger.

Either way i dont think you will like protection. It sounds like we fish fairly similar as far as strike detection. I hate winter gloves as well. Cant feel a thing and mine at least are typically wet anyways. Its not easy or consistent (no feel) on the line with a glove over the groove.

I do make it a point to dump the rod finger of line on bigger fish maintaining control with my line hand until the fish takes it all or i can get the extra reeled in. I dont hold tight when im reeling slack but obviously dont let it go either.

A good example of strip striking is billy pate on tarpon. I dont hit fish that hard or often. But youll see how the lines free and how he goes about getting to the reel.
Until now I've just used tape. Duct tape repels water better but is less sensitive than medical tape.

This spring i got a good deal on a pair of the fishing gloves from buff. I haven't used them much, but they really cut down on sensitivity and it seems like the line lands right at the edge of the finger protection when i'm stripping. I like them for kayak fishing as they give me a better grip on the paddle. I also plan on using them more for saltwater species where sensitivity isn't as big of a deal and fish can tear up your hands more.