Fenwick Fenglass



Jun 7, 2013
Looks to be returning:


Scroll to the bottom.
Bob Selb of Classic Fly Fisherman had a pair of prototypes at the Heritage Day event in Allenberry. These are nicely set up and cast delightfully. Needless to say the 7'6" 4wt and 7' are on my buy list.
A high concentration of nano-sized spheres of silica combine with the high modulus graphite fibers to create a rod blank that is 23 percent more powerful, 30 percent lighter yet more durable than other rods in the class.
Wonder why they call it "Fenglass" if it has a high concentration and high modulus of this stuff? Sorry to be a Madison Ave skeptic and not saying they aren't good rods ...... just wondering.
My guess is the description is incorrect and the fenglass rod is really fiberglass.
It says right in the description that these are composite (glass/graphite) rods. I assume this to mean that they are different from the FF Series "Fenglass" rods of the 70's. They may be more like the original Fenwick Eagle Series rods of the early 80's which were, IIRC, also glass/graphite composites and had the slower action that was common among graphite rods at the time. The Eagles were nice rods, IMO

I really liked the FF glass rods and might be interested in this most recent resurrection of the Fenglass name. But only if they felt like the original Fenglass rods and the main purpose of the graphite component was not to stiffen or speed up the action. Way too many fast rods already, IMO.

I am pretty sure the description below the fenglass rods are for a different series called "world class" fly rods. The 3ms resin was new a breakthrough (or marketing scheme) for graphite rods 5-6 years back. I don't think that resin is used with fiberglass.

I'd be willing to bet that the fenglass rods will be glass rods produced offshore. Glass rods are trendy, and in my opinion, Pure Fishing is looking to cash in on the Fenwick name (since they own it).

I think they'd be way classier with the signature butt wrap and vintage reel seat hardware (and Made in USA).

Upon a second read and with a little more coffee in me, I think you are right about the new Fenglass rods and their construction. Kinda difficult to be sure about any of it, though. I can't find either series ("Fenglass" or "World Class") on the fly rod section of Fenwick's web site. Odd...
If they wanted to make money off the rod they would atleast put the signature wrap on. That's a staple imo. There's nothing more hipster than having a brand new fenwick that looks old. Or just make the blank a pastel color.
I will keep my American made Fenwick FF70. I finally got to fish with it for the first time last week on Spring creek before the water levels went crazy. One word best describes the rod, Smooooooooth!
I have a well used FF75, a GFF 604 (?), and I have an 8' 5/6 weight blank to finish up.

I will be taking a hard look at the new rods. Hopefully, the new ones take the pressure off of the ebay sales on the old ones and maybe helps to keep the prices at more reasonable levels. It wasnt so long ago that the glass Fennies were just old rods, not so these days..
Here's a link from Fiberglass Flyrodders that has different info -
I went with IMX and IM6 and never looked back till yesterday. I thought the glass resurgence was a nostalgia trip but I stopped in orvis in Marlton NJ for 22 hooks and picked up a 7' superfine 3 wt. I could have put a fly in a Styrofoam cup at 25 feet within three casts. I think its 300 plus and the blank is 200 so no way but for the little streams it might be my ultimate rod.