Erie Steelhead

Looks like Fridays rain brought LOTS of fishermen out this weekend on the Lake Erie Tribs,.
I was one...
Never mind the language,I find it acceptable for use....How would you like to be the guided sport in the boat who just realized he paid good money for a crap show.
Actually the giuide puts the boat in at the Altmar ramp. He floats down to the Schoolhouse pool. His clients stay in the lodge that used to be the school. At a prearranged time the sports walk down to the river and get into the guide boat. The guide rows out to the Honey Hole and they stay there until the bite is over. My friend asked the guide how the clients did, he said "We went 20 for 28! They were spinning and getting 50' drag free floats. My buddy was lucky to get a 10' drag free drift. Since my post he went back up and went 3 for 5 hookups. One was 31".


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Ya know I can just picture someone in a boat use a down rigger and stick bait anchoring up in a hole.
Ya know I can just picture someone in a boat use a down rigger and stick bait anchoring up in a hole.
Actually the guide had a bunch of rods all rigged up. Some were spinning rods with floats, others were center pin outfits. A couple fly rods. They were floating egg sacks.
I went out this past Thurs-Fri. Did ok. Took four fish, 2 were taken on Elk, one at trestle bridge and one at Uncle Johns.
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Nice fish this year on the PA Erie tribs. Got my personal best today. Terrible photo, but taped at 32".