Erie Steelhead

Well, this morning the egg came through and I caught my first 2 steelhead. I snapped 2 off and lost 1 on a white death.
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Traded the small one for a smoked one at Poor Richards.
About 10 years ago a private hatchery in Canada lost some Humpies and I saw one get caught in mid Elk. I was about 40 or 50 yrds down stream and I said to my client that that fish is a Pink salmon. They looked at me a little funny but when we walked by the fishermen that was confirmed. In Alaska they do not eat them do to they are not a good tasting fish. I took there word as no one was keeping any.
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I think Pinks have been in Lake Erie for decades. I have no idea about any recent introductions.
Where are you getting that information?
I'm also curious. Conventional wisdom is that the pinks (and some cohos for that matter) are from small wild populations in the Canadian Erie tribs and strays from elsewhere in the great lakes.

Whatever the case, pinks have turned up in the PA tribs in very small numbers as long as I can remember. This year there seems to be more around than usual. I've seen reports/pictures of them in Ohio also.
Pa fish comission stocked Kings and Cohos for many years. I think the last Coho run I saw was about 20 years ago.?? I assume many can remember Pa fish comissions Coho Hot Line. I think they had 3 messages.
1, We are awaiting rain to bring in the cohos.
2. The fish are running.
3. The run is winding down.
The information did not have a lot of value but was a start to the media info we currently jhave.
I’m going to give it a go on the Ohio tributaries when we go home for Christmas. I’m not sure how many fish will be in the streams at that time, but what else do I have to do? I can only take so much family time over the holidays!
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I caught my first (and 2nd, 3rd, 4th) Pink on 20-Mile one day in the early 90's.
20 to 30 Pinks filled the area just above the lake shore. They were very aggressive towards anything that moved and resembled baitfish. We used to see a few caught back then on even numbered years.
About 4-5 years ago during a dry Fall, I was scouting Cattaraugus Creek on the lower SNI Rez and ran up on a gentleman from the NYDEC . He was standing on a high bank with his binoculars focused towards a gravely tailout. He was watching/studying Pinks going through their spawning ritual. I'm guessing that there were roughly 4-5 dozen salmon in that tailout.
I’m going to give it a go on the Ohio tributaries when we go home for Christmas. I’m not sure how many fish will be in the streams at that time, but what else do I have to do? I can only take so much family time over the holidays!
Ohio is a little differrent than PA, but steelhead should be around in good numbers, and spread throughout the tribs. Many think of Ohio as a spring run fishery but there are plenty of fall run fish.
Ohio fall steelhead run are stray PA stocked fish. The fish will run up any tribs that have sufficient running water and the mouth free to the lake will experience a run of fish.
Ohio fall steelhead run are stray PA stocked fish. The fish will run up any tribs that have sufficient running water and the mouth free to the lake will experience a run of fish.
Ohio also now stocks a the NY late fall running strain.
Going up to Lake Erie these next two days and am going to fish a few tributaries in hopes of catching a steelhead (Erie area). I heard egg patterns are good but was not able to find any good ones, and I’m not even sure if it is spawn yet. I also heard white zonkers?If anyone had some suggestions I would appreciate it.

Like others have said, the best time to go is after rain. I did planned trips to Erie years ago and got lucky bc it rained a couple days before I went. We slammed them! Like 30 fish day for everyone I went with. Next time we planned a trip ahead of time it hadn’t rained for 2 weeks. No fresh fish and we had to work our a$$es off for two fish all day.

Best approach to being successful is being able to go after it rains which means last minute trip. And I know, most people can’t swing that. But if you can your success rate will be higher.
Going up to Lake Erie these next two days and am going to fish a few tributaries in hopes of catching a steelhead (Erie area). I heard egg patterns are good but was not able to find any good ones, and I’m not even sure if it is spawn yet. I also heard white zonkers?If anyone had some suggestions I would appreciate it.
Might be a little late to your posting, but I am just getting back from doing some Erie steelie fishing. Mostly fished Elk, was a zoo and slow, fish were spooky, but did end up having some success. Drawing aggression strikes with a black Wooly Bugger brought the best fish for me, and also dead drifting a white zonker with an egg pattern on the tag (chartreuse blood dot, and sucker spawn) under an indicator worked too!


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If you are willing to travel further north NY is available for steel, less people.
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