Enough Rain?

Staying just north of Detroit for a few more days -then to Florida but last night we had a thunder and lightening storm to equal any I have ever seen in the good old summertime.
Michigan,mid January ,mid 30's ---weird...
Rain in the forecast every day for the next 10-14 days, I think we will have good water levels for a little while. Should eventually get some snow and hold water levels better at that point through spring.
Cannonsville is at 41.1% this evening. Pepacton is at 61.6%. They are looking better.
As for other streams They are only as good as the last rain fall event on freestone streams, limestone streams have a fairly constant base flow always much higher than freestone streams nearby. But limestone streams are less dependent on rainfall, to the extent that the aquifers recharge. The rainfall at the recharge zones is more critical to limestone streams, because it affects the base flows, whereas the rainfall within a freestone watershed is more important to freestone stream maintaining flows. Spring along freestone streams do contribute to base flows but are less effected by rainfall and aren't coming from the porous rock that limestones spring come from. It's geology.
Lot more comin today.
The big Nor Easter turned out to be a bit of a dud IMO. A little over 1-1.5 inches in the Philadelphia area. I was hoping for 2 plus inches over 2 days. Still, rain is rain. Nu?
Two inches in my rain gauge here in Adams County yesterday. Some of the local creeks are really rolling, but not blown out.

If the weather stays mild, we should see some good freestone trout fishing while we wait for the precip deficit to gradually reduce and the reserviors slowly re-filling.
Only about a half inch in Chester County according to reports I saw. No significant rain or snow in the next 10 days. Still, WAY better than it was this fall.
At least here in Chester County, the rain has been spread out and slow. Looking at the USGS charts, it seems to be soaking in and replenishing the depleted water table, rather than surging down to the bay.
Latest Drought Monitor

Still a moderate drought in much of PA. The next few weeks do not look conducive to heavy rain, in fact, the weather pattern is shaping up to be similar to this fall. Not good...we're not out of this yet.
We're stuck in the same weather pattern since early last year. So no we aren't caught up. We're a little down since Jan 1.
We've got the front passing over today....

Radar seems to indicate that NCPA is getting soaked but the formation crossing the southern part of the state looks weaker. Was hoping that SEPA would get a soaking - maybe the front will adjust a bit and bring more rain to SEPA.

The front hasn't hit my neck of the woods yet. What are you seeing where you live today?
Dave_W wrote:
We've got the front passing over today....

Radar seems to indicate that NCPA is getting soaked but the formation crossing the southern part of the state looks weaker. Was hoping that SEPA would get a soaking - maybe the front will adjust a bit and bring more rain to SEPA.

The front hasn't hit my neck of the woods yet. What are you seeing where you live today?

Still dry, but that stands to reason since I'm to the east of you ;-)

That being said, I've been working outside this morning and it feels humid and there is just a feeling of the air being unsettled. More like a late spring day than late winter.. Happy to see NC PA getting some rain and that stream levels have at least temporarily recovered. My wife noted that I have not been fishing much this year and I told her it's not because I don't want to, but because there just isn't enough water in the streams to make it worthwhile.
salmonoid wrote:
My wife noted that I have not been fishing much this year and I told her it's not because I don't want to, but because there just isn't enough water in the streams to make it worthwhile.

Look looks SE is gonna get a spanking here shortly.
Snuck out to the Letort today after lunch and it is low-low-low, I don't ever recall seeing it this bad. Decent shower rolled thru just as I started seeing some steady stoneflies coming off the water and soaked me good while walking home around 2:30 or so. Was only a quick 15-20minute shower though, not nearly enough to have any real effect, but certainly better than nothing. We need some seriously steady rain around these parts, on the order of a few month's worth of steady multi-day events to recharge the groundwater or we're gonna be in real trouble this summer...
Soaking rain next week says Accuweather.

Amazing the SE & SC streams are so low and yet the big rivers like the Delaware and Susky are bank full and nearing flood stage...



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Over 7K at Walton. I believe they got about 2" in that area. I believe at one time I read that 1" of rain the upstream watershed from Cannonsvilles equals 5% storage.

The Corps has started to skim water to start to fill FE Walter. They will have an easy time getting to 1365'. Once they get there or they may keep a little below, they will just pass inflow. Except for fishing weekends in March which can provide some great fishing.
