I’m a big fan of true winter. This one is getting there, but still not a true winter based on past experiences growing up in Berks and having lived in various parts of the state. Using Berks and Lehigh as the best examples, I have a few indices of a true winter that have yet to be touched. We have yet to have had an 8” snowfall, let alone the usual 2-3 12-24” snow storms per winter of the first half of my life. Late Feb and March can bring them though and in a rarity, so can April (April 8, 1982…about a foot of snow at Green Lane Res, Mont Co interrupts survey, May 18, 1976 …snowing in Pleasant Gap, Centre Co and during the Colyer Lake survey). Ice on the lakes was usually thick enough for ice fishing between Christmas and New Years. Now we wait and waited until half-way through January. By now the lake ice was often 18” thick. It’s 6-8” now on my reference lakes, past and present. If I want to fish, I ice fish, although during warm winters like last yr’s, I hit the wild trout streams. When there’s snow, I cross country ski and snowshoe after I shovel or I take a local kid plus my wife sledding and tobogganing. All is enjoyable, gets me into the woods and fields, and keeps the fat off. If there’s no snow or very little, mountain bike or hike. Both will keep you warm and get you afield.