Egg flies

Ok. So I've tried tying glo bugs several times now and no matter what I do, the material doesn't flair out as nice as I'd like. There is a clear line in the material where I'm making my thread wraps. Keep in mind, I'd like to keep them small (size 16-18) so cutting fairly close to the hook shank is a must. Am I missing out on some sort of egg secret? Maybe I should buy the mcfly foam instead of using the egg yarn in my mess of tying materials?
Are you using Glo-bug yarn or McFlyfoam or some other type of yarn?

If you are tying single eggs, McFlyFoam is the way to go. It is so easy to get a nice neat egg with MCFF it isn't even funny. Also use 3/0 Uni thread, 3/0 UTC thread, or other strong thread and lay down a tightly wrapped base. When securing the yarn use only 3-4 tight wraps. Pull the yarn's tag ends straight up and snip to size with a pair of sharp scissors. Very little touch up trimming should be needed after the initial cut.

If you are not using McFlyFoam, Don't worry about it. just tie up some scrambled egg style flies and go catch fish. Color and size is more important that form. Also, while the single egg "Glo Bug" style flies are cool, the scrambled eggs look a little more natural since their construction allows them to be translucent. The Glo Bugs look dense and opaque in comparison.

thanks for the tips. I've always done much better with spawn, but wanted to tie up some small glo-bugs for low clear conditions. I guess I'll pick up some mcflyfoam for tying the small ones and use some heavier thread. I was using glo bug yarn and it didn't seem to compact all that well under the thread wraps... hoping the mcfly turns out a bit better.
Hey bam... check out my tutorial on the blog for my glo bugs. Hopefully it'll help you out with getting a good egg.
Bam - I think you'll be very pleased with the Mcfly foam!
flipnfly wrote:
not to hijack the topic but to save the mods time of them moving it to here has anyone tried and is this rig legal here in pa? this has me interested....

Just wanted to state that these rigs are not allowed in the fly fishing only sections of the Salmon River.
I agree that the McFly Foam is much easier to use. I've been tying with the Wapsi stuff for a while and I just got my first pack of McFly Foam. I'm totally sold on the stuff now. I Think I'm going to have tie 30,000,000,000 eggs to use up all the Wapsi stuff.

How the heck do you guys tie a sucker spawn? I don't have fat fingers and I still can't get the yarn to cooperate. I'm temped to tie them on a streamer hook so I have room to make the wraps.
I've been using angora yarn on a scud hook to tie my sucker spawn. Just make a loop, secure with a few wraps, and work your way down the hook.
+1 for Angora yarn SS. Micro glo bug yarn is my other choice. No doubt if you can tie a glo bug, you easily tie a SS or Crystal Spawn, that video tutorial should help. Sometimes I'll lash 2 or 3 strands of crystal flash to the hook before tying in the yarn.
Greg, use a tooth pick or part of your bodkin. Work from back to front, and wrap the yarn over top of the bodkin to get your loop. Put 2 wraps over it, and then advance thread... repeat. I'll have to come by and show you.
i tie my suckerspawns with globug yarn but i do it like a scrambeled egg pattern i thought i had a pic of it but if you want to see how it looks ill be glad to show ya