EB Delaware Snakehead



Well-known member
Aug 4, 2010
Looks a snakehead was caught on the EB Delaware River.
I'm guessing that I can get 50-100 people to start a prize pool. $100 entry..... winner takes all for most snakeheads killed April 1 through Labor day.
FUDR is an organization that protects a artificial fishery populated by invasive species , yet they are telling you to kill another invasive species to protect their favorite invasive species. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I heard about this elsewhere on the web yesterday.

Apparently, this is somewhat old news as a SH was found in the East Branch last year (or am I missing something?).
Hey Fred,
Maybe we should all pile into a drift boat and huck some bigger streamers up there this fall. Yuh never know what might chomp on a streamer in the upper D - big browns, walleyes, muskies, stripers, smallies. . . and now a snakehead. :)
Then we could start a new origination and find someone to be president of Snakeheads Unlimited.
GeneBeam wrote:
Then we could start a new origination and find someone to be president of Snakeheads Unlimited.

That would be Fred. ;-)
Sounds like a plan Dave only thing actually native would be the stripers.

Soon everywhere will have snakeheads

Ray Turner caught one recently in his eel trap. Big Bass saw it and forwarded the photo on Saturday.
It's just a matter of time and they will be in most watersheds. they sure are good to eat.
Carpo wrote:
It's just a matter of time and they will be in most watersheds. they sure are good to eat.

Yeah, it is a shame some lawbreaking slobs are illegally stocking them in so many rivers, lakes and streams.

I don't understand that mentality at all.
afishinado wrote:
Carpo wrote:
It's just a matter of time and they will be in most watersheds. they sure are good to eat.

Yeah, it is a shame some lawbreaking slobs are illegally stocking them in so many rivers, lakes and streams.

I don't understand that mentality at all.

Yeah, I don't agree with it, either. I wouldn't do it. But Fred is right. They are basically all non-native.

I don't foresee snakeheads doing well in most trout streams. I think the trout will be just fine. And the serious impact on other species isn't totally clear yet, either. I'm with Fred on this one again..they don't seem to be causing as much damage as the news outlets would have led us all to believe.
jifigz wrote:
afishinado wrote:
Carpo wrote:
It's just a matter of time and they will be in most watersheds. they sure are good to eat.

Yeah, it is a shame some lawbreaking slobs are illegally stocking them in so many rivers, lakes and streams.

I don't understand that mentality at all.

Yeah, I don't agree with it, either. I wouldn't do it. But Fred is right. They are basically all non-native.

I don't foresee snakeheads doing well in most trout streams. I think the trout will be just fine. And the serious impact on other species isn't totally clear yet, either. I'm with Fred on this one again..they don't seem to be causing as much damage as the news outlets would have led us all to believe.

Because things were done wrong in the past (like stocking non-native species) doesn't give a green light to continuing to do what we know is wrong, aka "two wrongs don't make a right".

Continuing to expand the population of an invasive species to more and more fisheries is like playing Russian roulette and every new stocking puts another bullet in the chamber. Sooner or later it may really disrupt or destroy the equilibrium in a lake, river or stream and there's no turning back once that happens. Hopefully that won't happen, but I wish the geniuses that keep stocking them would actually use their brains and spend that time and effort to actually do positive things for our fisheries rather than sneaking around doing illegal stockings of snakeheads.
And I here I thought you hated carp Tom .


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Fredrick wrote:
And I here I thought you hated carp Tom .

Carp are here to stay and so are snakeheads so I have no problem with C&R fishing for them where they are already established. My problem is with those that catch and stock snakeheads illegally in new waters. They are slobs. Sooner or later this will likely end up messing up a some lake, river or stream.

As an example, no one can actually know long term how the snakehead population will effect the striper spawning grounds in the lower Delaware River and the Susquehanna flats. It would be a tragedy if stripers in the North Atlantic, a native species BTW, declined because of introducing snakeheads to their spawning grounds. As we all know, the striper population is really at a low point right now and adding a new predator fish to prey on YOY stripers can't help.

I hope things work out and snakeheads just become another fish to swim in our rivers or lakes. But no one can know for sure how their introduction from Asia will effect any of our waters in North America.
Just a reminder, the experts, odenkirk included, want you to kill them. That pretty much sums up their expected impact as we understand it today.
Odenkirk said that a long time ago and have since changed his view .
It amazes me how you can watch that video and think Mr. odenkirk has changed his views. It’s clear he still doesn’t know. It’s clear bow anglers and meat eating anglers are a big help in keeping their numbers in check but more needs to be done. In other words killing them is working. Mr. Odenkirk is very intelligent and he understands the best way to combat snakeheads is to fire up the great angling army. He is very good at encouraging people to go catch them and eat (kill) them.

Just to be sure I checked the Virginia web site and they still want you to kill them. So we know what he is still telling heads of state and we know what he is telling anglers. Mr. odenkirk’s position has not changed.

I did like the boat.
My comment has nothing to do with the video. I figured it be a good way to get you to watch it , actually worked better then I expected :lol:
There is a few petitions in VA with allot signatures to place regs on snakeheads so expect to see some changes in the next few years .

I like the bowfin one better. https://youtu.be/s8v3fXp64Pw