EB Delaware Snakehead

Just my 2 cents… I would be surprised to see any changes anywhere in North America at present that would offer up greater protection for snakeheads. As an example, the ASMFC at one point (haven’t check for any changes to that) did not want coastal states, including Pa, to protect flatheads with more restrictive regulations specifically because of any potential to impact striped bass or other anadromous species. Never say never, but I don’t see modern fisheries agencies leaning toward protecting relatively new, non-native fish.
Fredrick wrote:
My comment has nothing to do with the video. I figured it be a good way to get you to watch it , actually worked better then I expected :lol:
There is a few petitions in VA with allot signatures to place regs on snakeheads so expect to see some changes in the next few years .

I like the bowfin one better. https://youtu.be/s8v3fXp64Pw

Very clever, Your ploy worked well. I’m not falling for it twice
I thought it was a great promotional video segment if you were trying to encourage anglers to harvest the fish.
Regs on snakehead are a major reach. Are there regs on carp anywhere in the country?

I'm not sure there are bag limits on sheepshead in the great lakes and they are a native (albeit trash) fish.
moon1284 wrote:
Regs on snakehead are a major reach. Are there regs on carp anywhere in the country?

I'm not sure there are bag limits on sheepshead in the great lakes and they are a native (albeit trash) fish.



Unlawful Acts & Fishing Violations in PA

Requirements & Law Unlawful Acts IT IS UNLAWFUL… To possess, to introduce or import, transport, sell, purchase, offer for sale or barter the following live species in the Commonwealth: [color=CC0000]snakehead [/color](all species), Black Carp, Bighead Carp, Silver Carp, Zebra Mussel, Quagga Mussel, European Rudd, Ruffe, Rusty Crayfish, Round Goby and Tubenose Goby. (More information about Aquatic Invasive […]
