Eagle Cam at Codorus State Park

The PGC Q & A says possibly gizzard shad, my count is 11 fish and there the black thing and what looks like the remains of a squirrel still there.
This afternoon the adult eagle was kept busy attacking all of the flies that invaded the nest to feast on the stinky fish while the little ones had a pretty good wrestling match going. It is really cool to be able to watch them develop. They will very quickly turn from cute little gray fuzzy baby birds to much larger black, ugly teenage birds. A couple of years ago I was watching a live stream on an eagle's nest out in Decorah, Iowa. That nest had three eaglets and the pair fledged all three of them. That nest was out of control and a total mess until all three of them finally fledged. Cool stuff!
Wife saw a pair of them on the farm last week. One circling, the other roosting in a big tree.
Looking for your bass or other panfish.
They can have as many as they like, but I would rather they take the muskrats and groundhogs.

It looks like a pair of wood ducks are using the box I provided. I was going to move it but never got around to it.

Also two pair of wood duck on the pond in the woods.
It seems one of the eaglets must have "shot" a poop on the camera lens. It's foggy and you can't see all that well. It happened sometime yesterday. Unless they get a lot of rain in Hanover, it will stay like that I guess.
Last week, some ***** shot and killed a Bald Eagle in the Andreas area. Living in & frequenting this general area myself, no doubt this was one of the eagles I've enjoyed watching. My heart sank a little when I first saw the news report. The official investigation is ongoing.
wildtrout2 wrote:
It seems one of the eaglets must have "shot" a poop on the camera lens. It's foggy and you can't see all that well. It happened sometime yesterday. Unless they get a lot of rain in Hanover, it will stay like that I guess.

Could be they were just tired of those voyeuristic humans and wanted a little more privacy :)
I've been waiting for them to eventually hit the camera, I've witnessed a few near misses. That stuff really flies.
Saw that' I think it's a miss print or error on the Newspaper.
That fine is a misprint... I saw two reports ranging from $2500 to $4k in fines for the eagle and herons. Unfortunate, I figure the herons like to fish more than I do, and they get tagged for it. Glad my wife doesn't like guns!
The herons should be fined for fishing without a permit. The eagle is our national bird, so it gets a lifetime exemption.
>>Pennsylvania man cited in shooting deaths of bald eagle...(snip)>>

My guess is that regardless of what the fine may happen to be, you're probably going to be reading about more rather than less eagle shootings. While they certainly are still not that common, there's getting to be quite a few of them to the point that an eagle sighting is no big deal any more.

It isn't all that far from where we are now to the tipping point where the Chihuahuas and Yorkies out for walks on leashes in park areas near eagle habitats start to disappear.

And that won't be a good thing, especially for the eagles.

It could happen. We had a friend who was out walking his little buzz saw dog (some sort of Chihuahua, I think..) when a Great Horned Owl swooped down, grabbed Paco (or whatever the dog's name was..) and processed him in mid-air in about 10 seconds and dropped the parts he didn't want about 15 feet from where our friend was standing.

One should protect one's prey-pet from predators. I blame the dog owner. And not just because he owned a Chihuahua.
I find it disturbing that people are watching the nesting eagles to see what chit they can throw...but than again we watch our football team for the same reasons.