Eagle Cam at Codorus State Park

That looks like a shredded dog collar in the nest.

Fifi might have become a snack.
Unfortunately I had the sad encounter of having a Red Owl end up on my grill one evening. (That's car grill)

On the other hand, when you stand quietly in the waters - nature may not take notice. I have had hawks drop for a fish less than 15' from me, deer and storks within 5', muskrats swim between my legs, and a red fox watch me from the bank for over 1/2 hour not more than 20' away.
You just reminded me of this.

Storks? Are you fishing at the zoo again?
The Pittsburgh (Hayes) eagle cam is reporting the first egg has been laid. Or has it been lain?

Thay may depend on whether you live in PA or Ohio!
In case anyone is interested, there are now two eggs in the nest linked in the OP.
I sure hope the beaver trapper ain't a reading this!
PennypackFlyer wrote:
I sure hope the beaver trapper ain't a reading this!

You're not far off:


Give it time. Someone will be scaling the tree with lineman's spikes to steal the eggs...
FarmerDave wrote:
In case anyone is interested, there are now two eggs in the nest linked in the OP.
I just saw the two eggs, very cool. I also watched another eagle bring in some food while the other one sits on the eggs. I think it's fascinating.
An eaglet has hatched, looks like right on schedule. it's pretty amazing. I've been streaming it at work watching both adult eagles come and go. Got a couple glimpses of the baby. Should be soon for the second one.........

My 2 girls will be thrilled that an eaglet has hatched. They look in from time to time to check on them. They got to see the eagles at George B Stevenson Dam last summer and were pretty amazed at them.
Just saw the opened egg, but didn't see the little one yet. There's what looks like a fish sitting in the nest, I guess it's breakfast. The other egg should hatch today or tomorrow.
I've been watching closely and am concerned that the first egg was left unattended for about forty minutes during single didget temperatures.The story is close to home, about two miles away.
No worries about the viability of the second egg, both eaglets are alive and well as of 8am today. As I tuned in, both adults were on the nest and you could catch a glimpse of the second egg pieces strewn about. As momma shifted left to work over a fishy breakfast she revealed both eaglets. She then proceeded to feed them little bits of fish. You can tell the second eaglet is a little less developed than the first, it had a droopy head at rest until it was ready to eat. Then it shot right up and happy fed from momma.
In case you have been watching the cam with the eagle and her nest.....


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Has anyone figured out what types of fish are on the menu?

Fallfish, Shad, or stocked trout?
I'm guessing white perch, There's a sign at the lake stating there is no limit, take all you want.
Both little one's are happy and healthy as of 5 mins ago. They are being fed as I type this. Good stuff!!

I don't know how it's possible, but JUST NOW that half eaten fish was flopping up and down! Half it's body is gone and that fish was whole this morning.
Having some luck fishing


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There's no fewer than 5 fish in that nest right now. Apparently the fishing is quite good!