Eagle Cam at Codorus State Park

wildtrout2 wrote:
There's no fewer than 5 fish in that nest right now. Apparently the fishing is quite good!

Mentored (bald eagle) youth!
Night_Stalker wrote:
Has anyone figured out what types of fish are on the menu?
Fallfish, Shad, or stocked trout?

Could be all of the above.
When I looked closely at the video, it appeared to me that the fish were gizzard shad. Gizzards are numerous in Marburg and grow to sizes of over 12" and have a forked tail.
Does anybody have any idea what the black furry thing is in the eagles nest??? Yesterday there was a squirrel there, along with more fish. There's also 5 or 6 fish today.
I was wondering what the black furry thing was, small bear, weasel family member of some type. There aren't to many options. Skunk maybe, but I don't see white. A cat or small dog.
In the comments on the cam site they said it was a skunk. Someone said they could see a white stripe when it was brought to the aerie.
salvelinus wrote:
In the comments on the cam site they said it was a skunk. Someone said they could see a white stripe when it was brought to the aerie.
Pretty sure it's a skunk.
I think the skunk was brought up to equalize the fish smell in the nest. I'd hate to be down wind from that.
I was watching right before dusk tonight and a larger fish...maybe a stocked trout was in the nest...still barely alive and the gills were flapping, I saw it twitch a couple times too. Man that nest is full of fish.
Maurice wrote: ....a larger fish...maybe a stocked trout was in the nest...still barely alive and the gills were flapping, I saw it twitch a couple times too.

I noticed that and thought I was drinking too much.
Nuthin like a PCB laden Huntsdale stocker to cause genetic mutation for our National Emblem's gene pool -
That nest is going to stink very soon.
My wife just read that a hawk got the eaglets overnight last night...wonder of that is an April Fools joke?
Maurice wrote:
My wife just read that a hawk got the eaglets overnight last night...wonder of that is an April Fools joke?
Yes, but not a very good one. They're fine.
wildtrout2 wrote:
Both little one's are happy and healthy as of 5 mins ago. They are being fed as I type this. Good stuff!!

I don't know how it's possible, but JUST NOW that half eaten fish was flopping up and down! Half it's body is gone and that fish was whole this morning.

WT2, that wouldn't surprise me one bit.
It would surprise me if it was a hawk overnight, but a great horned owl, that's just something they do, attack nests of other large birds. Looking at the nest the chicks seem to be under the adult.
Just checked the site. hatch-lings look fine. Good think they are not prone to motion sickness.

Looks very Windy.
If they're getting trout, I'd have to say that they're from one of the Codorus Creeks as Marburg isn't stocked with trout. Sheppard-Myers reservoir is stocked with trout, but I don't see why they'd fly further than the lake (or nearby).

I've seen what appear to be LMB in the nest (which are abundant in Marburg). Ever since "ice out", it's been a fishing bonanza. I'll be really impressed when they bring a pike or muskie in... :-D
I was reading some of the questions about the eagles, and I'm wondering if they are made up because some of the questions appear pretty dumb.
Most of those (7) fish seem to be the same, white bass was suggested. There is also another different fish that might be a trout from where ever. I saw a dead squirrel in the nest the other day, but I think it's gone?

This really is a rare treat to watch these eagles go from eggs into young birds, tasting life for the first time. I enjoy the interaction between the adults and the eaglets.
Both parents were at the nest together and they were looking around the nest and then looked at each other as if to say "What the hell are we going to do with all of these fish"