Eagle Cam at Codorus State Park



Feb 17, 2009
Just thought this would be well accepted here. PA Game Commission has an eagle cam up in Hanover. Great camera quality with HD feed that looks right down in to the nest.

slay thanks for posting this...

I looked at the live feed and there were two eagles fussin over the snow...then they took off.

the day in review time lapse is awesome too
Yeah, it's nice to see the time lapse when there are no visitors on the live cam.
I just watched him pick apart a rodent...very cool.
I was watching that too Maurice. It was a bird actually - I watched him pluck it. Eventually its mate returned and finished the job, and when they were done, there was nothing left. Fascinating.
I wonder how many other eagles have broadband? Comcast might be good for something!

Is it just me or is the date of the time lapse video off by one?

I wonder where the eagles disappeared to while it was snowing?
Here's a screen capture, just to give you some idea of the great view you get.


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Very cool to watch. Amazing animals.

That is very cool! Thanks for sharing.
Caught this squirrel 'photobombing' the eagle cam this afternoon. Little dude must have some kind of death wish - he's gonna end up as a meal if he isn't more careful.


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The squirrel was there several days ago, too (time lapse). I saw an acorn fall on to the nest. Then a quick grab.

Seeing the small bird get eaten is pretty cool. One eagle brought a bird and left it and later the two of them ate it.
Anybody see the great horned owl in the live cams link on the time lapse? She's got two eggs. Nest is in Georgia.


salvelinus wrote:
Anybody see the great horned owl in the live cams link on the time lapse? She's got two eggs. Nest is in Georgia.


Tuned in and got to see a napping owl. Pretty cool.
First egg was laid on probably the coldest day of the year.
Thanks for the links. Very cool. Both nests were occupied this morning.

I often get my own wildlife shows in my back yard. Here are a couple recent pictured.

I believe the one is a cooper's hawk. It could be a sharp shin, but based on size of head and body shape, my first guess is cooper's. He or she is a frequent visitor to my deck. I have bird feeders out and he is looking for an easy meal. It comes to the deck because the birds hide in the shrubs and under the deck when alarmed. He was there again yesterday. I wish he would only take the English Sparrows but they are awfully quick.

I have reflective film on the slider so he couldn't see me but I could see him. That explains the cloudiness.

I opened the slider for the pictures of the fox. He was probably 200 yards away. Had used 8X optical zoom and some digital zoom. Not a bad picture considering I wasn't using a tripod. I rested the camera against the door.

He was hunting mice and that was really cool. The snow is very crusty and over a foot deep. He would zero in on a house under all that and then leap in the air and try to break through. First attempt that I observed, he simply bounced off the ice. Then a little bit later he located another one and jumped even higher in the air and busted through head first and came up with a mouse. Very entertaining.


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BTW, the owl's eggs have hatched. At least two white fuzz balls in the nest.
I'd say Coopers hawk.
Chaz, you are way more of an expert than me. Here are a couple more pictures. One for identification. The other just because...

My understanding is that sharp shin hawk have a smaller head and wider shoulders. The body of a coopers is more barrel shaped.

Looks barrel shaped to me.

Hint, look what the dogs are pointing at.


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It is really cool check this out. The even view was pretty good tonight. amazing how these animals do when it gets so cold.
