Don's sculpin

afishinado wrote:
Okay Tim...but the real question is does the scamutz get mixed in before the potatoes or after the cabbage?

Dear Tom,

I wouldn't know since the only way I eat cabbage is in cole slaw, Chinese food, or as sauerkraut on a hot dog or a Reuben sandwich, which coincidently is the only way I eat corned beef.

I pretty much hate potatoes unless they are in pierogies or French fried too.

The 1850's were a long time ago and we ain't all Paddy boys anymore. :-D

Tim Murphy :)
stoc - Spent all day there today. The water was up and slightly off color in the morning, but as the afternoon wore on, the water became muddy and unfishable. The shop was crowded all day long, and the hot selling fly was - you guessed it - Don's sculpin. Miro was tying them, but he couldn't keep pace with the sales.
While I won't disagree with the folks that say they were treated in an unfriendly manner by Rod (the owner), I personally have never seen Rod refuse to give anyone information, or to sell them a fly that he has in stock (and that includes the recipe for Don's sculpin). I don't work there, but am friends with Rod. We don't always see eye to eye, but we've just agreed to disagree on some things and get along just fine. It is really convenient to be able to pick up some tippet or other essentials when down there fishing, and that is what motivated Rod to open the shop in the first place. He's a lousy salesman by his own admission, but he does the best he can, and is one of the few survivors in the area that didn't just give up in the face of competition from the big box stores. or pack it in after being flooded out on a regular basis. I admire his tenacity. Sorry for getting off base, but since others have seen fit to include their opinions on the Little Lehigh Fly Shop, I thought I'd include mine as well. YMMV.......Ed
LouM wrote:
troutbert; In response to your post. Sandfly and I are fishing buddies long before he moved to Tioga. We are constantly busting on each other. As far as the guy from nestors,who I do not know, or any one else for that matter being in some kind of conspiracy to keep fly patterns a secret is a figment of your imanigation.

My post wasn't about fly secrecy. My post was in regard to the question of who developed these types of streamers and giving credit to the originator. Looking at Sandfly's streamer, it looks to me like its a modification of Don's Sculpin. And the streamer style described as being tied by the Nestors guy sounds like another type of streamer that Don has been tying for a long time.

So, what I'm asking is did Don develop these styles of streamers and then other people in the region began tying similar streamers, after seeing his? Or did someone else in that region begin tying these styles of streamers first, then Don began tying similar streamers?

If Don tied them first, he should get credit. If somone else tied them first, that person should get credit. And it would be interesting to know, from a PA flyfishing history perspective, who that person is.

Since you guys are from that area, maybe you would know the history. I'm just asking the history of how these streamers developed, if you know.

Al Troth gets credit for creating the elk hair caddis. Russ Blessing gets credit for the Wooly Bugger. Bob Clouser gets credit for the Clouser Minnow. That's the sort of thing I'm talking about.

I'm not sure what afishinado's real name is but just incase its not Tom...I didin't ask you about the cabbage. I've been going to camp long enough to know NOT to ask a man of your purported size about eating cabbage.
Dear Tom,

Yeah, I was talking to the other Tom.

I stay away from cabbage. I never pass up a bowl of chili, baked beans, or a pickled egg though. :-D

Tim Murphy :)
TimMurphy wrote:
I never pass up a bowl of chili, baked beans, or a pickled egg though. :-D

Tim Murphy :)

..oh that's just wrong...
TimMurphy wrote:
Dear Tom,

Yeah, I was talking to the other Tom.

I stay away from cabbage. I never pass up a bowl of chili, baked beans, or a pickled egg though. :-D

Tim Murphy :)

Can't take the pickled eggs, but love the chili and baked beans. Please stand back when we remove our waders.
I have been reading the posts in this thread over the past few days and am just amazed at the brazen self-righteous pontifications of some of you -- WTF have you contributed to fly fishing? I personally don't care if you give up fly fishing because you can't just sit on your fat *** in front of your PC and demand information/knowledge that you are too lazy to discover and/or experience first-hand. That leaves more open water for the rest of us, and frankly, maybe you should try golf.

I submitted Don's Sculpin for this year's flyswap and declined to provide tying instructions, for posting on the web site hosted by JackM, because I know that Don does not want his work disseminated over the internet. That is his right to decide and my display of integrity to comply (Thank You to everyone in the flyswap for your respect of this decision!). As a FYI, each participant in this year's flyswap received a sample Don's Sculpin and written instructions/drawings to re-create this pattern.

And this should be a lesson to those of you complaining, in why you should be an active participant in life and the PAFlyfishing board.... because, sometimes you do NEED TO BE PRESENT TO WIN. FOOTNOTE: typing condescending diatribes from behind your PC does not count as active participation.

If you need to disparage someone.... bring it on!

Miro Slovnik

Tim…all in good fun. You apparently know much more about making lasagna than I do. My wife makes a pretty good lasagna (great stuffed shells too) and she’s Asian. So I guess it’s not a stretch for someone named Tim Murphy to be able to cook great Italian food.

Tom - I guess Grandma HAS been holding out on me.......say it ain't so!

With all the good things said about the LL people (Don & Rod) by their friends, I have to believe that they are good guys, and there should be no question that they are knowlegeable fisherman. My experience has been that some people come off as friendly and helpful the second you meet them, while with others, it takes a while to develop a rapport.

I use their Al's Rat fly pattern all the time. and have caught fish on it throughout PA, and out West (the San Juan rainbows in New Mexico were particularly fond of it). The LL trico pattern is simple, innovative and is my go-to pattern during a trico hatch.

Attached is a link to the LL fly shop site. They give recipes for the patterns. They also give comprehensive stream and weather conditions for the LL daily, with up-to-date photos of the stream.

I plan to take a trip to the LL in the next week or so. When I do I plan to stop into the shop and check out their stuff.

Great weather ahead.....good luck on the stream.
troutbert wrote:

Some of you may remember Paul Berger's Honey Bug kits, with tying instructions. Honey Bugs are basically just chenille wrapped around a hook, but you were supposed to tie them in a very specific way, so that the threads hung out the back for more action. Once in a while I hear people talking about these kits, always with a big grin on their face. Why? Just because they were unique, a little part of PA flyfishing history.

I still have one, although I used most of the chenille. It was in a kit my uncle gave to my brothers and I 20 some years ago, and when I started tying again I found it in the box with some pretty cool feathers. I still break into the mixed bag every now and then to tie a crazy streamer or two. The Honey Bug Chenille was mostly used for stonefly nymphs. I guess in hindsight I should have kept it whole. Mmmmm. Lasagna!

afishinado- recipies yes, but not for the sculpin, however if you pay $250 for the trying lessons, you can tie any pattern you want...
i have yet to have a good experience w/ rod or his fly shop.
MiroSlovnik wrote:
I have been reading the posts in this thread over the past few days and am just amazed at the brazen self-righteous pontifications of some of you -- WTF have you contributed to fly fishing? I personally don't care if you give up fly fishing because you can't just sit on your fat *** in front of your PC and demand information/knowledge that you are too lazy to discover and/or experience first-hand. That leaves more open water for the rest of us, and frankly, maybe you should try golf.

I submitted Don's Sculpin for this year's flyswap and declined to provide tying instructions, for posting on the web site hosted by JackM, because I know that Don does not want his work disseminated over the internet. That is his right to decide and my display of integrity to comply (Thank You to everyone in the flyswap for your respect of this decision!). As a FYI, each participant in this year's flyswap received a sample Don's Sculpin and written instructions/drawings to re-create this pattern.

And this should be a lesson to those of you complaining, in why you should be an active participant in life and the PAFlyfishing board.... because, sometimes you do NEED TO BE PRESENT TO WIN. FOOTNOTE: typing condescending diatribes from behind your PC does not count as active participation.

If you need to disparage someone.... bring it on!

Miro Slovnik



This thread has played out very civily until now. Some respect Don's wishes, some disagree. No one has resorted to name calling but you. No one has resorted to condescending diatribe but you.

In fact, had you not selected the fly of a friend who wished to not have the recipe shared, none of this would have started in the first place.

Everybody is entitled to their opinion on this board short of name calling.

Enjoy the coming trout season,

Right on, Maurice.

I'm guessing that since I wrote a bit of a tome that I fall under the blanket statements by Miro. As I reread this thread, I only see one swear word.... In Miro's post. I only see one condescending post--- Miro's.

As far as my earlier post, I stand by it. If the LL shop is going to act the way that 80% of the people I know claim they do.... well, then to hell with them. I'll take my money elsewhere. There's already too much elitism in the sport.

As far as Don's fly.... It's still a step in the wrong direction, and it seems petty and mysterious. I challenge you to convince me otherwise.
I've been reading through this through the past week or so, and I don't have 2 cents but i'll say a few words. I'm new to flyfishing in general and appreciate all the help of this website. To me, this is a fly, and nothing else. This isn't the implimentation of the forward pass to football, but much like a flea flicker. Yeah its cool and you see it every once in a while, but its no major change to the sport. I started tying a few months ago and have fun doing it. My flies look nothing like they're supposed to lol, but I don't care. If someone is going to invent something and not let anyone use it for its intentions, thats just madness to me. Its selfish if you really ask me. "I've got something real cool and you can't have it, unless you pay up". It's childish and having someone rant and rave about it is rediculous. After seeing this posting I could care less to ever see a "DON"S SCULPIN" ever. I'm content in using my horribly made dries, nymphs, and buggers. If someone's going to make this big of a fuss over something that doesn't matter that much in retrospect, so be it. Count me out!

This thread has played out very civily until now. Some respect Don's wishes, some disagree. No one has resorted to name calling but you. No one has resorted to condescending diatribe but you.

In fact, had you not selected the fly of a friend who wished to not have the recipe shared, none of this would have started in the first place.

Everybody is entitled to their opinion on this board short of name calling.

Enjoy the coming trout season,




I appreciate your comments... you sound smart, thank you for sharing! (VI)

You had expressed your opinions early in this thread and now I have expressed mine that are in direct contrast to yours. And, thank you again for re-affirming my entitlement to express my opinion. The only name that I called in my post was Jack M.'s and he deserves it.

So, I confess to instigating this sculpin thread. I am also behind the ever increasing price of gasoline and global thermal warming.

Tight lines!

trico wrote:

afishinado- recipies yes, but not for the sculpin, however if you pay $250 for the trying lessons, you can tie any pattern you want...
i have yet to have a good experience w/ rod or his fly shop.

I don't have any financial interest in the LL flyshop. I know that Rod (the owner) can be perceived as abrasive at times, he is not intentionally that way though, he does mean well. I have actually been impressed by his kindness on many occassions. If you stop by his flyshop you can obtain a copy of the tying instructions for Don's Sculpin or Al's Rat and a hot cup of coffee, and it won't cost you even 1 cent. Depending on what locals are at the shop, they will show you how to tie the fly that you are interested in making.

Many of the locals shut-up when customers stop by the shop because they know that they (the locals) are being stupid in their conversations and they don't want to embarass Rod. Naturally, one wants to leave a local flyshop with more knowledge of the stream than when they walked-in. But, when the locals are talking, sometimes you can leave the Little Lehigh Fly Shop stupider (sp) than when you entered.

Take Care!

Many of the locals shut-up when customers stop by the shop because they know that they (the locals) are being stupid in their conversations and they don't want to embarass Rod. Naturally, one wants to leave a local flyshop with more knowledge of the stream than when they walked-in. But, when the locals are talking, sometimes you can leave the Little Lehigh Fly Shop stupider (sp) than when you entered.

i think i missed something. this makes little sense.
i don't know rod nor have i ever been to his shop. i've casually followed this thread as it is humorous at times, but i must admit, awefully selfish not to share the fly recipe. in a sport with decreasing numbers, this selfish and self-serving behavior is not productive to increasing the ranks.
i've never seen a "don's sculpin" and i could care less. there are plently of other patterns that work just as well. and as for rod and his shop, he's probably done himself a huge disfavor by holding back on the recipe: this thread does not portray him in a favorable light and i am sure that there are many like me who at this point, have no interest in meeting him or at worst will go out of our way to avoid his shop. it's a shame, perhaps if the recipe was given and everyone were told how "great" the fly was, i'm sure he probably would have picked up some new customers.
oh well, his loss. :-?
I was attempting a touch of humor within that statement, I am sorry that you did not realize that nor comprehend the statement that the instructions for Don's Sculpin are given freely to people that stop by the LL Flyshop in person.

Oh well, I understand that Ping makes some nice irons.

Maybe I can shed a little light on the confusion here. FWIW - Don Douple USED to guide for the Little Lehigh Fly Shop, and also do seminars and classes through the shop. He also tied flies (primarily his sculpin) and provided the tying instructions to be given out to customers. He no longer has any involvement with the shop, and isn't in the area any more.
Rod Rohrbach is the only person running his shop. While a few others occasionally mind the shop while Rod is out doing classes or other things, he alone is the staff of the shop. He is totally against keeping any fly fishing information secret, and feels if Don wants his pattern kept secret, he should patent it.
Miro is a customer of the shop and ties Don's sculpin for the shop due to Don's unavailability. Don is aware of this and his remark was something like "Hey, these look good!". Don is also aware that Rod freely gives out the printed instructions for the sculpin. Don is not going to get wealthy by selling this fly, and isn't getting one cent from any of this anymore. It is my belief that he just wants recognition for developing the pattern.
I'm not going to dispute the fact that Rod has alienated a lot of potential customers over the years. I'd just like to point out that there are PLENTY of other people that have had good experiences there, and no one should be afraid of going there and seeing things for themselves. Everyone is entitled to their own views and expectations of how they'd like to be treated as customers. If you don't like the place, just go somewhere else. He's not going to change, so the continuing "piling on" will do nothing, but if it makes some feel better, indulge yourselves. The guy's old, has health problems, and this board is the least of his problems. I've found the rewards of going there far outweigh the negative things.....Ed
To hell with the Muddlers. Let's get those lasagne recipes posted. :-D