Don's sculpin

The following page has a sequence of pictures and instructions for tying a bread fly that will help you with the process of making a spun hair section of the fly:
For the record, Don has worked for restoration and preservation of wild trout longer then most of us have been fishing for wild trout, doing it since his college days. He's participated in all manner of project for Perkiomen Valley TU and for the State Council for nearly as long.
I consider Don a friend and I know his reasons for not wanting his pattern put on the web, and don't blaem him one bit for not wanting it there. None of the patterns shown so far come close to what his looks like though.
here is a pic of a BC Darter, not dons sculpin....tied similar but different materials... match's the pic of the darter i posted...

tied with fun fur, tan chenille, and lead eyes..on a 3665A size 4 mustad....brown prismacolor pen #(pm-88) for the mottling...
Are the reasons he has as much of a secret as the recipe itself, Chaz? As I read the thread, while many people have great things to say about him, not too many seem to be able to surmise "good" reasons for his no-tell policy. Certainly he has a right to be quirky, whether he's single-handedly saved the sport for the rest of us or is just a casual angler. But all that said, it doesn't seem telling us that you know his reasons is going to do a whole lot to stop the rest of us who don't from scratching our heads over the matter-- just as I do when the ladies in the church hall refuse to share their lasagna recipes :-? .
I don't think his reputation his anything to do with why he doesn't share his recipe. I just think that those who know him are just saying. "Hey, here's a nice guy and only because of that, maybe we should cut him a break and do as he asks". I'm not saying he should give away his secret recipe, I'm not saying he's selfish and I'm not saying that we have any obligation to keep his recipe a secret either. I'm just saying that those who know him are saying, "Hey he asked us not to broadcast this info and he'd appreciate it if we didn't." At some point in our lives, we've all held onto information that we didn't have to because some we have respect for asked us to.

My personal feeling is (since I actually have the recipe sitting in front of me) is that, like the lasagna ladies, the secret isn't really all that earth shattering. The problem is that the its rather simple. And if people who came to the church let out that it would be very easy to duplicate the lasagna, some might just make it at home and the church would suffer financially. However some, just because they know it helps the church might go there to get it anyway, just to help the church. So, I don't think any great harm would come to anyone if the fly recipe got out. Those who respect the guy for what they know about him would still go to him to get the fly because they believe its the right thing for them to do. And those who wouldn't buy one for that reason will either find a suitable replacement or just do without.
From the start of all this, my interest is not in knowing the recipe, but in knowing the reason for the secrecy. But, I am silly like that-- always interested in the intricacies of human nature.
The Pattern is quite simple the secret is the material used for the body. If you can locate it you have the pattern, the rest is easy.
charging 5.00 for a fly and 20.00 for the kit is absurd even in church...I'll sell mine for 2.50, and I have contributed to the likes of T.U. and consevation since the 60's....It doesn't make me any different than anyone else...I'm sorry charging that much for a pattern because you want to make the almighty dollar is just not right in my Book no matter who you are....just my .02.......maybe lefty should get 5.00 for every deceiver out there then....or clouser, etc....
Just a thought,,,,no one should feel guilty….with the 800+ views and the 50 posts about the fly pattern – we are doing more to perpetuate the mystique of the fly, and drive sales for it, than if Mr. Douple bought an ad on goggle and flashed it on all the fishing sites on the internet.

Jack, my guess as to why he doesn’t want the fly recipe posted on the Internet is that others will tie it and sell it rather than buying it from him. I would take a different tact for marketing the fly. Look at Bob Clouser – he’s a household name (at least in a fly fishing household). Nearly everyone ties and fishes his flies. If the pattern is that ground breaking and effective, Don Douple would also be a household name by sharing the recipe. With such notoriety, he would make money selling other things, writing books, and making DVDs. Ya know, if this thread continues on….Don Douple will be a household name.

BTW, credit Bob Clouser with using dumbbell eyes and tyng his fly in an upside down fashion. Believe it or not, a long time ago, after I saw how Clouser used dumbbells, I tied a fly (and still do) to match stone cats / madtoms for smallmouth. The fly looks almost identical to Don’s Sculpin…………just don’t ask me for the recipe!!

From what I’ve read from people I’ve grown to know and trust from reading their posts on the board, I’m sure Don Douple is a good guy. I wish him well, and hope he sells a ton of flies. It’s the American way!

Note: I've met Bob Clouser, and I know him to be a fine gentleman, friendly and helpful to everyone he meets. I would like to extend my sympathy to him and his family on the the death of his son.
Regarding $5 per fly, take a look at some of your catalogs, under the warmwater and saltwater patterns. They are selling flies in this price range, and higher, and many are not particularly complex patterns.

I'm looking at a 2006 catalog, so prices are likely higher this year.

Saltwater Clouser $4.45
Simsnake $4.95
Mini-Pop $5.95
Bluegill Bug $5.95
Half and Half $6.45
Crease Fly $6.95

And in the case of Don's Sculpin, you're getting the fly tied by its originator. Support those who support the sport. The kit is pretty cool with the hand-written instructions and all. Bound to be a collector's item some day.
Sandfly; You stole my sculpin pattern and posted it. May the SNAG GODS get all your flies.
SandFly you scallowag. When you gave me that recipe two years back you told me to never share. Now here you are posting it all over the danged internet. :-x And now this here Lou feller says it's HIS pattern. I don't reckon I'm gonna sleep to well tonight seeings how somebody is yankin me chain. :-o

I don't reckon I care what you all say......if it wasn't for the Darbees, the Flicks, the Schweiberts, the Cauccis, the Nastasis, the Marinaros, the Harveys, and other such sharing individuals in this world, ya'd all still be living in the dark insofar as flies are concerned. :-? :-? :-? :-x And yea I know I forgot the danged apostrophe to. :p

I reckon now I gotta ride out to that varmints place in Ansonia and break some knecaps if'n I kin get past that danged rooster. :-o
Festas; Beside stealing patterns he cuts your fly off of your tippet while fishing. He's a badun I wouldn't tirn my back on him ifn I was you.
:-D :-D lou's fly is not the same he uses real fur, cut from bamburgs, gamgurgs or whoever that big place is near the city....he goes in with a pair of scissors all the time..... :lol: :lol:

cut my tippet, HA!, you fly stealin little gnome.... :-D

cabin fever !!!!!!!
He's a badun I wouldn't tirn my back on him ifn I was you.

I ever tell ya'll about the time I took ol' Sandfly to one of my secret spots only to have him net a beauty of a fish for me, then take it off my hook and put it onto his secret stringer that he carries amoungst those fifty fly boxes in his vest? Then on top of it all, he cut my leader at the butt section and took off while I was fishin around for another leader? :-x :-x

But I gotta give the ol' boy credit.....he sure is one of the bestest March brookie fishermen I ever laid eyes on. :-o :-o :-o :-o :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Festus: He never beat me when we fished together. What was he using rotenone or C4? He talks a tall tale but can't fish worth a darn. He must'av learnt from you. Watch him he likes to sneak into secret spots at night and fishem out.

I ain't showed that high steppin hippie nuttin 'ceptin that one secret spot. I'm so mad at him right now, that I'm seriously thinkin 'bout stealin' that old rooster and using him for Breadcrust wet fly hackle. :lol: :lol:

I wuz thinkin 'bout letting 'em fish my private leased water this year, but now I think I'll just show 'em pictures. :-D :-D :-D
Dear Jack,

The secret to good lasagna is the right pasta. :-D

Tim Murphy :)

The secret to lasagna is the "gravy" as they say in Philly!

BTW to those that are interested, the Little Lehigh Fly Shop has the "official" Don's Sculpin chenille in stock at $2.00 a bag. Enough to tie quite few $5.00 sculpins.

I snagged a bunch today!
Bamboozle wrote:

The secret to lasagna is the "gravy" as they say in Philly!

Dear Bamboozle,

I disagree, but isn't that what the internet is for? :-D

If the pasta is rubbery or dried out the best sauce or gravy in the world won't help it. You also need the right "scamutz" or "mootzarell" cheese to make it right. :lol:

I'm glad you scored the magic sculpin chenille today, you'll be a rock star soon if only you publish the pattern. :lol:

FWIW, I can tie a pretty good sculpin with nothing but marabou, lead wire, deer hair and pheasant breast feathers. You need good marabou and lot's of lead wire.

Tim Murphy :)