Don's sculpin

I make a very good Lasagne, it's all in the sauce! The sauce is one of my Fathers recipts, he was an excellent cook!

I may bring a pan full to the Jam!

PaulG wrote:
I make a very good Lasagne, it's all in the sauce! The sauce is one of my Fathers recipts, he was an excellent cook!

I may bring a pan full to the Jam!


It can't beat my moms la zag na.
So Don does not mind if the shop sells kits with instructions for tying the sculpin, sells the sculpin, or gives out instructions for the sculpin and teaches people how to tie it. He only objects to having those instructions posted on the internet.

This sounds like fear/dislike of the internet, not profiteering.

fwiw - I've been in the LLFS a few times, and Rod has always been helpful. He gave me an al's rat, which I promptly reverse engineered.
ian_brown wrote:
He gave me an al's rat, which I promptly reverse engineered.

That must have taken you hours. :p
I'll have you know I got it on my first try. What can I say? I'm a prodigy.
ian_brown wrote:
So Don does not mind if the shop sells kits with instructions for tying the sculpin, sells the sculpin, or gives out instructions for the sculpin and teaches people how to tie it. He only objects to having those instructions posted on the internet.

This sounds like fear/dislike of the internet, not profiteering.

An interesting point. Those who use the internet a lot may forget that not everyone does. So not everyone has a net-centric world view.

Also a lot of people now seem to have the idea that all information just "SHOULD" be available on the net, for free. That's actually a pretty shaky idea.

Consider the situation before the net existed. If someone was selling a fly kit with printed instructions, no magazine would even consider publishing those instructions without the consent of the person who wrote them. Why? Copyright law. Intellectual property. Anyone who published those instructions without consent would be violating the law. Any professsional publisher knew that.

Now, with the web, people publish other people's material all the time, and don't even know or care about copyright law. But the copyright law hasn't gone away.

Do you all think that all the fly tying instructions from Bob Clousers new book just "should" be available for free on the web?

Is Bob holding out on us for not doing that? It's no different for the instructions from Don's fly tying kit.
My mom makes the best lazagna... but who's doesn't. PaulG is right... its all in the sauce. My mom makes a homemade sauce that takes all day. and her secret ingredient in her lazagna (she's prob not going to like this) is cinnamon!
ryguyfi wrote:
My mom makes the best lazagna... but who's doesn't. PaulG is right... its all in the sauce. My mom makes a homemade sauce that takes all day. and her secret ingredient in her lazagna (she's prob not going to like this) is cinnamon!

While I have never had lasagna that I didn't like, this DEFINATELY has my attention. :-o What would be the odds of getting your mom to post her recipe? I'm starvin'!!!........Ed
you guys got me thinkin... i might have to call my mom up and see if i can invite myself over for some lazagna this sunday!!!mmmmmmmmmm
Miro is a customer of the shop and ties Don's sculpin for the shop due to Don's unavailability.

One more reason not to go to the shop
My lasagna is still pretty good even though I use jarred sauce. I doctor it up pretty good but it starts in a jar. I have another not so secret short cut I do. I never boil the noodles. I just add and extra jars worth of sauce and bake it a little longer. The noodles cook in the oven under a layer of cheese. The when I cut it stays stacked in stead of running allover the place, too. Bit its a secret so don't put it on the internet. :-o

My wife seconds your recipe. (cooking with the noodles uncooked) She said its easier and as you said, it don't run.

Man, I gotta hankerin for some zags and garlic bread.

Dear Tom,

Baking the pasta in the sauce is the way to go. If you haven't tried Barilla lasagna noodles and can get them in your neck of the woods try them. They cook perfectly every time.

I like Maggio cheeses and Maglio sausages because they are local Philly products and everybody sold them and served them in the region but you can probably get a local Pittsburgh product and do fine. I like both ground beef and hot sausage in my lasagna and I try to use my own sauce but I never seem to make enough in the Fall, mostly because it's a PITA to do. Barilla sauces are good stuff too.

When's dinner? :-D

Tim Murphy :)
I still don’t know how to tie Don’s Sculpin, but man, now I can make some mean lasagna.
Yeeeeow. 7:55 in the morning and I'm hankerin for lasagna. You guys are good. :-D :)
Once apon a time I had a girl friend from south Philly. I was raised in an Italian house. My last name isn't Italian, though its Di'bagno on my mom's side.

Upon meeting my girlfriend's grandmother for the first time she called me a mitigon, and asked if there was any "good" blood in me. I told her all of the above. She said "well I guess we can't hope for too much".

Philly's got the Italina thing down good. And yes I finally do see the difference between sauce and gravy. Maybe that old Italian witch has one of Don's sculpin recepies stashed away in one of her cookbooks.
Ryan, imagine Angelina Manderino's reaction when my cousin brought her Chinese fiancee to grandma's house for Easter. :p

LOL. I was in that exact situation a few years ago. I brought my Chinese fiancé to meet my Grandma Calabrese. She looked at her and said “you’re not Italian…and you’re so thin…I’ll teach you how to cook.” She gave my fiancé (now wife) every recipe for all kinds of Italian foo, including lasagna. They become very close. Little did I know at the time that Grandma was holding out on the “scamutz” secret. Oh well, live and learn…can’t even trust Grandma to give out the secret recipe, just like the ladies at your church. You would think that blood is thicker than water…but not when it comes to lasagna….or sculpin flies!
My long time girlfriend's grandparents are hilarious. They are full blown italians, and damn proud of it. I am half italian, and have the black hair, and I tan a nice mediterranian olive tone in the summer. They instantly accepted me as the real deal....

until one day.

I mentioned my grandparents in Texas. the room goes silent. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE ITALIAN!"

I guess it's not ok to talk about the non-Italian side, lol.
I am from the old school also
My friends Lou M & sandfly have given me flies and recipes for flies ,and I have tied and given away more flies than I keep .