Done with Haverford Orvis

I chose to not respond to such nonsense. I'll just have to accept that I'm a special snowflake.
Isn't "special snowflake" redundant? I one not, too? I'm confused.
These are big money clientele shops.
However it’s performing at a sub Kmart level. With sub Kmart customer service. And sub Kmart selection. That’s the point of his post. The man went to a steak house and was served some hotdog jerky for $15. They stopped serving steaks cause cows fart.

A business, attempting to force ideas onto others because they think they know better? If you support this you should be less concerned with the red in his hat and more concerned with the red in your flag. Maybe even the red in the scare you are giving us.

The shop brought politics into the consumer equation not Wildtrout2.

You brought politics into this discussion not Wildtrout2.
Let’s stick to the facts
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A business, forcing ideas onto others because they think they know better?

While I agree with the premise of your post, I do take issue with this statement. Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything. Orvis is free to sell whatever product they want, and Wildtrout2 is free to decide to buy it or not.

And it has nothing to do with them thinking they know better. Lead is extremely toxic to life and easily contaminates water. They made a choice to not sell it based off of actual science, not pseudoscience.

I do use lead because I don't really like the substitute stuff. I do so because I have that choice. I recognize the risks involved and do my absolute best to not lose it in the water or on the ground, but it happens sometimes. When I am forced to switch because of laws, then so be it, but as of now, nobody is forcing anyone to do anything.
I see what you are saying Dudemanspecial.
I needed the forced ideas to set up
My 1950’s red jokes. I’ll try harder next time.
Am I the only one who thought the original post was about cost and condescending service and not at all about lead?
But you hoookerofmen! Using lead in your post? In 2024? Lead can get stuck in a thread and kill it.

Sir This is a Fly fishing Forum. The only posts we offer are lead free and nontoxic.

Too Soon?