Does "Shelter-in-place" mean no going out to ffish?



Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
Chester County
Several places like San Francisco have the S-I-P" rule, and our governor is thinking of doing the same for PA. Does that mean we can't hit the (legally open) streams and ponds to ffish? What if we tie the trip into a trip to the pharmacy for life-sustaining meds?
I know that I am going to fish at my R&G club in the western Poconos. I can stay at one of the three primitive cabins @ $15.00/night(no plumbing/electricity).

I really don't want to eat drive through fast food, but if I have to, I'll do it.
lestrout wrote:
Several places like San Francisco have the S-I-P" rule, and our governor is thinking of doing the same for PA. Does that mean we can't hit the (legally open) streams and ponds to ffish?

Here's the thing. If people do whats asked of them to slow the spread, the rules don't have to get more harsh. When they ask you to do something to slow the spread and you thumb your nose at them, the rules get stricter. Just like children.

There is no SIP order so you can fish. If there becomes one, you can't. You can but you could be arrested or fined for ignoring the order. Its up to you.

canoetripper wrote:
I really don't want to eat drive through fast food, but if I have to, I'll do it.

You don't have to. Most restaurants have take out now. Still eating in your car but it'll taste a lot better.

Not directed at any one person: Basically make yourself scarce. Puffing your chest out and telling everyone how nobody tells you what to do doesn't help and will make things worse for everyone. Don't be selfish.
You can still go outside for a walk or exercise in California. So going fishing would be a form of exercise you would think. Driving to a destination and then driving home with no human contact is hardly not following the rules. It is following the rules if you ask me.

lestrout wrote:
Several places like San Francisco have the S-I-P" rule, and our governor is thinking of doing the same for PA. Does that mean we can't hit the (legally open) streams and ponds to ffish?

Here's the thing. If people do whats asked of them to slow the spread, the rules don't have to get more harsh. When they ask you to do something to slow the spread and you thumb your nose at them, the rules get stricter. Just like children.

There is no SIP order so you can fish. If there becomes one, you can't. You can but you could be arrested or fined for ignoring the order. Its up to you.


canoetripper wrote:
I really don't want to eat drive through fast food, but if I have to, I'll do it.

You don't have to. Most restaurants have take out now. Still eating in your car but it'll taste a lot better.

Not directed at any one person: Basically make yourself scarce. Puffing your chest out and telling everyone how nobody tells you what to do doesn't help and will make things worse for everyone. Don't be selfish.

I agree tom
I did some reading on what's in place in CA. (Not to say that PA will necessarily be the same, if SIP is ordered, which seems increasingly likely.) Driving to engage in outdoor activities is (as of now) permitted under SIP in CA, provided you drive directly from your home to your destination, and return directly home, and you do not interact with anyone within a 6 foot radius while engaging in the outdoor activity. Hiking and fishing were some of the items permitted, provided you abided by the other requirements noted.

Seems to me like you may be limited by how much gas is in your car, as travel for outdoor activities does not allow for any stopping in between your home and destination, and back. In theory, you could buy gas so you could "go to the grocery store or pharmacy", or for some other approved life sustaining purpose on the way home, but I think that would be in violation of the spirit of the order. Who knows though. We're off the maps here.

The big moral issue I see in choosing to continue to fish right now, provided you follow the above rules, is burning fuel in your vehicle for "non-life sustaining" reasons, and thus needing to potentially create additional exposure for yourself and others by having to purchase fuel more often than you would if you were not fishing. In the grand scheme of things, I'm not sure how significant that is, if you're otherwise doing everything right. Still...If SIP does happen in PA, and you are allowed to fish, or engage in outdoor activities, I'd try to stay local. All three of the vehicles in my household have full (or nearly full) tanks right now. Both my wife and I are working from home and not commuting at the present, so we're not really using any gas, other than a once/week grocery store run...3 miles round trip. (We're going to try and stretch that out some too, within reason. We don't want to panic buy large stocks of anything.) Still, unless things with CV improve and orders are lifted, it will be my plan to burn what's in all three before buying gas again for any reason.

FWIW, I fished for a while this morning. Straight from home to the stream, and back. Did not pass Go, did not collect $200. A small Lancaster County Class A that was my plan was a zoo, relatively speaking. 3 other anglers there by 10:00 AM, spread over maybe a mile or so. I went to a nearby un-stocked, nat repro stream and had that to myself. I burned about an 1/8 of a tank of gas doing it.

Again, PA (if SIP is ordered) may have different rules than CA when it comes to outdoor activities. Everyone should respect, and abide by whatever those rules are. If it means no fishing, it means no fishing.
To further complicate everything for me, I am now taking care of my 82 year old mother. She can't hear and doesn't want to wear her hearing aids. Our conversations go something like this: "What? I can't hear you."

She also has two rescue dogs from a shelter. The male ****er Spaniel put the "H" into the word hyper. I am not complaining. I am explaining. If life was easy, anybody else could do it. I live a very difficult life.

Now I don't even have a bar to escape to for a few hours.

The CIP orders, NJ included really haven't excluded outdoor activities like fishing, just outdoor "gatherings" but if you don't have to, don't.

However, as a friend in Italy recently said: "People are asked to stay home. It's not only to avoid virus spreading: if you hurt yourself while running, cycling, hiking, fishing, you need medical assistance. There are no more doctors and paramedics available for stupid people who don't understand the tragedy we're facing right now."

Something to consider...
tomgamber wrote:

Here's the thing. If people do whats asked of them to slow the spread, the rules don't have to get more harsh. When they ask you to do something to slow the spread and you thumb your nose at them, the rules get stricter. Just like children.

Basically make yourself scarce. Puffing your chest out and telling everyone how nobody tells you what to do doesn't help and will make things worse for everyone. Don't be selfish.

It can't be said much plainer than that.
Bamboozle wrote:
The CIP orders, NJ included really haven't excluded outdoor activities like fishing, just outdoor "gatherings" but if you don't have to, don't.

However, as a friend in Italy recently said: "People are asked to stay home. It's not only to avoid virus spreading: if you hurt yourself while running, cycling, hiking, fishing, you need medical assistance. There are no more doctors and paramedics available for stupid people who don't understand the tragedy we're facing right now."

Something to consider...

In my thoughts exactly when working this past week . I guess I'm lucky to be able to work even if there is mandatory over time. Safety is the priority don't want to even get with in eye-sight of Hospital. Roads up here look like Sunday early Am. Lets hope we can slow the spread.
Italy’s government issued a new order banning jogging and other “outdoor physical and leisure activities” so I guess anything is possible here too.
I think getting outside and going for a walk is very healthy. But do it in ways that maintain social distancing.

If you go for an exercise walk late at night or in the wee hours of the morning there there will probably be very few people around.

If you see someone else out there, just maintain your distance, nod and wave and keep going.

Regarding fishing, there were 15 vehicles at one of the parking areas along Spring Creek yesterday. That's not maintaining social distancing.

I wonder how much shoulder to shoulder nonsense you will have on Opening Day?

I predict a lot based on people's selfishness and stupidity. I really hope it pours from the 16th to the 20th...
If "shelter in place" goes into effect food stores and gas stations to remain open..they made that clear. Which means there will also be a supply chain of drivers, clerks, etc still working. People will have to eat and agriculture and the supply chain can't stop.

With that said, if you "shelter in place" I would think that you can also fish but use discretion. If you have to go to a grocery store that's way worse than heading to a stream where you will see no one.

I am fortunate. I live on plenty of land and I will not necessarily see anyone. I have, however, seen my parents and they were just in Mexico. While Mexico isn't a hotbed for Covid-19 they most likely shared the flight with people from all over the world. Likewise my sister and her now husband are here this weekend from Lancaster. After this weekend, however, I'm really going to distance myself. I don't really plan to go anywhere or do anything. I love being alone and I have no concerns staying here and cutting firewood, playing banjo, or whatever. If I want to fish I'll walk down to the Juniata and smallmouth fish where I'll see no one.
The only way we have to stop the spread of the virus is to stop human interaction with each other while maintaining a virus-free environment around yourself.

In China, and specifically the Wuhan region where the virus epidemic stated, given the strict government rules preventing people from interacting with each other, the latest Chinese report there have been no new cases reported for the past few days.

China is a totalitarian state and can control people's actions. In Italy, where these measures were not taken early, the virus is still raging.

While in the US, given our free society we cannot expect to control the actions of all citizens. But the moral of the story is the more we practice "social distancing" and keep a virus-free environment around us, the quicker the virus spread will subside and the faster life will get back to normal.

In other words half measures will prolong the time it takes to eradicate the virus and allowing all of return to our normal daily lives.

With all the above being said, hiking, boating or fishing away from others should be okay. Just use your judgement and common sense to stay safe yourself, as well as thinking of others around you.
Bad note is what's going on truly sucks. BUT good note for me is I live less than 3 miles from the Little J. Being that close, I'm fishing
sage wrote:
Bad note is what's going on truly sucks. BUT good note for me is I live less than 3 miles from the Little J. Being that close, I'm fishing

Can I camp in the yard? I promise not to get too rowdy? Lol

In all seriousness I'm not sure haw many trips I'll be able to make to NC PA with the restrictions. I'm hoping I can still camp places in a couple weeks and just fish as normal since it's so isolated. Also got put on unpaid leave so have all the time in the world...
After reading all the posts I'm thinking it's probably better that I not go to Ohio for spring steelhead. I can make it up on a tank of gas but would need to fill up at least once to get home. Besides I'm assuming all the motels in PA are closed but don't know if Ohio is under any ban for all non essential businesses to be closed. The forecast for Ne Ohio is rain and showers all week anyways so the streams will likely be blown out.
Accommodations in PA including hotels are still open, but I honestly can't believe anybody feels comfortable (or is stupid enough) staying in hotel/motel/cabin knowing someone was in there before you sleeping in your bed with their head on your pillow and using your toilet...

...unless it is absolutely necessary.

Deep cleaning...I'll buy that when I go to a hotel/motel when there is no pandemic and feel like I can eat off the floor.

I've already cancelled reservations I had for mid & late April & July because I doubt I'll feel comfortable by then unless this thing is licked by May or June and I really doubt that will be the case.

All my trips will be day trips or I'm sleeping in my car & eating food I brought from home.