DHALO Changes Dropped. Second Update 4/03/2015

Glad to hear this got rectified. Should have known when the first post mentioned an unidentified "Facebook" as the source.

We should continue the pressure.
Please use dkile's link above and voice your opinion on this matter. It on takes a minute or two and cant be any easier.

I'm with Opie610 on this one. If you haven't already commented, please take the time to provide a comment to the PFBC via the provided link by dkile. Don't sit back with your eyes glazed over hoping that the next guy will make a statement.
Hey Mike lots of questions about how and why this happened. Can you enlighten us with soma answers?
Opie610 wrote:
Hey Mike lots of questions about how and why this happened. Can you enlighten us with soma answers?

Mike has to be Switzerland on this .
Opie610 wrote:
Hey Mike lots of questions about how and why this happened. Can you enlighten us with soma answers?

Us loyal license buyers want to know.......
streamerguy wrote:
Opie610 wrote:
Hey Mike lots of questions about how and why this happened. Can you enlighten us with soma answers?

Us loyal license buyers want to know.......

Let it go.

As mentioned repeatedly, this proposal is still in the consideration phase. Make your views known on this and other relevant issues to the PFBC.
Yeah I guess "this forum" wouldn't be the place to do that. Simply asking for an explanation from Mike. Really don't see the harm. But whatever.
Gee i did not see that coming. And again I have even less faith in the current commissioners. Heck I bet they there are even commissioners that think Class A is fly fishing only. They seriously seem that clueless.
Hold your breath, it's not over until it's over. Here's what I know, it came from PA TU;

Some of you may have heard something that PFBC is withdrawing their proposal to change the DHALO regulations. While this may be the case, the proposal has not been formally withdrawn and until it is, I highly recommend that our members continue to weigh in with their comments. The commissioners need to hear our concerns and number of comments count. If the proposal is formally withdrawn, I will let everyone know.

The following link should take you to the comment page for this rule making or you can send comment directly to Executive Director, Fish and Boat Commission, P.O. Box 67000, Harrisburg, PA 17106-7000,

DH changes '
Just saw this on Facebook:

PFBC Withdraws Delayed Harvest Proposal
HARRISBURG, Pa. (April 3) – The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) announced today that it has withdrawn a proposal to change the Delayed Harvest Artificial Lures Only (DHALO) regulations after receiving public comments overwhelmingly opposed to the measure.
The PFBC Board of Commissioners approved the withdrawal of the proposal and the end of the public comment period in a vote conducted this week.
“The DHALO program is a stocked trout program, and social factors play a critical role in how the program is managed,” said PFBC Executive Director John Arway. “The proposed changes were designed to do two things: first, maximize the harvest of stocked trout before stream temperatures increase to lethal levels and, second, increase the opportunity for kids to catch fish.”
“The proposed changes generated much public comment in which questions were posed that would require substantial staff time and effort to fully answer,” he added. “Therefore, we believe that we need to withdraw this idea and focus on identifying other changes where we can more easily accomplish these objectives.”
Approved at the PFBC’s January 2015 quarterly business meeting, the proposal included the following:
• Move the start of the trout harvest period from June 15 to the Saturday before Memorial Day.
• Allow the use of bait by all anglers during the trout harvest period.
• Allow youth anglers under the age of 16 to use bait year-round in DHALO areas.
• Change the minimum length limit from 9 inches to 7 inches.
As of March 31, the agency had received 343 comments, with all but five opposed to the proposal. A main concern expressed by the individuals was the use of bait during the harvest period.
First launched in 1983, the DHALO program is designed to make more stocked trout available later in the season. The current regulations allow harvest only between June 15 and Labor Day, have a minimum size limit of nine inches, and a creel limit of three fish. The waters are open to fishing year-round.
Media Contact:
Eric Levis, Press Secretary
717.705.7806 or elevis@pa.gov
After all the falderall,,,,, I hope this is finally dead and burried.
I am hopeful that the folks that denied this change to the DHALO also recognize what we are trying to accomplish on the Tully.
“Therefore, we believe that we need to withdraw this idea and focus on identifying other changes where we can more easily accomplish these objectives.”

Pretty scary to read that comment though. What else do they need to go in and change now. Why not leave things well enough alone for once.
PocketWater wrote:
“Therefore, we believe that we need to withdraw this idea and focus on identifying other changes where we can more easily accomplish these objectives.”

Pretty scary to read that comment though. What else do they need to go in and change now. Why not leave things well enough alone for once.

Hows this for starters....
Pinners in the FFO.

I hope that with public comments 343 against vs 5 in favor the PFBC understands that we like the DHALO as the are. But, I'm not so sure there won't be some new suggested changes down the road.

I'm completely confident they'll come up with another hair brained proposal before long.
dkile wrote:

I hope that with public comments 343 against vs 5 in favor the PFBC understands that we like the DHALO as the are. But, I'm not so sure there won't be some new suggested changes down the road.

Seeing as how this is essentially the second time in recent memory that we had to defend DHALO regs, give it a few years and another set of major changes will be proposed.
Maybe not because of the administration change and
