DHALO Changes Dropped. Second Update 4/03/2015

Tony and I got a nice email from Mike on Tuesday, that the PAFBC was dropping the DHALO rules change. I then posted it on my and Tully Chapter facebook page.
A friend whom was just in contact was told by John Away that no decision has been made yet. If you have not voiced your opinion yet, I suggest doing so until this is dead and buried for good.

I wonder if they are just going to do whatever they feels like on this matter, as commonplace with the PFBC.
I hope the rumor is true but until I see it I would not slow down the push for letters and comments. If its like the Class A policy was i don't think we are out of the woods yet.
AFM's received word that the proposal was withdrawn. If there is some question on your parts as to whether or not that is actually the case, then keep commenting if you desire until you see a news release to that effect or see that the proposed rulemaking has been removed from the PFBC web site.
Thanks for the Clarification Mike but sorry I really have zero level of trust for the commission currently and I think I am not the only one. After the way the Class A stream sections went down and some of the quotes I have read and heard that came out of commissioners mouths I think we do need a review board that looks over all the fish commissions proposals and regulations. I personally was a backer and even willing to help highlight my region with stream reports and pictures to help them out. After the latest stunts that have been polled I declined form doing that any further. Why should I help an organization that seems to be aganist the resource first and any conservation at this point. They really seem to only think Class A means you cant stock it and nothing more. They will get letters until they realize native trout and conservation are more important than the great white fleet.
Thanks for the Clarification Mike but sorry I really have zero level of trust for the commission currently and I think I am not the only one. After the way the Class A stream sections went down and some of the quotes I have read and heard that came out of commissioners mouths I think we do need a review board that looks over all the fish commissions proposals and regulations. I personally was a backer and even willing to help highlight my region with stream reports and pictures to help them out. After the latest stunts that have been polled I declined form doing that any further. Why should I help an organization that seems to be aganist the resource first and any conservation at this point. They really seem to only think Class A means you cant stock it and nothing more. They will get letters until they realize native trout and conservation are more important than the great white fleet.

Well said
dshaffer wrote:
Tony and I got a nice email from Mike on Tuesday, that the PAFBC was dropping the DHALO rules change. I then posted it on my and Tully Chapter facebook page.


You guys did a nice job organizing that.

The statement that the proposal was withdrawn was in error. No action has been taken on the proposal. The public comment period remains open and the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission continues to accept comments.
You have got to be kidding me....... :-(
See what happens when you stand up for your rights, and let them know how you feel?????? Now we need to address the registration of our children, and grandchildren for the mentor day and the data base that contains that information.
I'd like an explanation on the "error"
My main concern with the original part of this thread was that the title of it had a question mark at the end. I was indeed hoping it was true but was not ready to join in the celebration just yet. To say that I was a bit skeptical would be a huge understatement. I found it rather odd that the PFBC would go ahead and make a determination such as this on a proposed rule change before the time for the comment period has ended. I don't necessarily see this as all "gloom and doom". Keep hammering at them. Now is not the time to sit around and sulk, feeling sorry for ourselves.
For those who are against the proposed DHALO changes, but haven't sent in comments yet, this is your cue.

Git r Done!! Help push us over the top. Send in your comments.

I don't know what to say. As all readers can see from my posts here and on FaceBook I have tried to be transparent as to how the information was disseminated.

The fact that there is no contrition from the post above gives me an empty feeling in my gut. If there is no transparency forthcoming; an apology to this forum, rather than a statement, is the least we can expect.

But it still begs the question of the source of this "error".
Money talks, flyfishers walk, unless they're in a boat.
What a joke. An example of another well run government organization. The fish commission seems to have more issues than we already are aware of.
We clearly need to continue to let our voices be heard.

The proposal is to change several factors within the regulation to:

- include bait for harvest period.
- Allow children to use bait year round.
- lower the min size limit for harvest to 7" from 9"
- and move the harvest period up a few weeks to the Saturday before Memorial day.

The full rule making proposal PDF.

The official comment period is from March 14 through May 13, 2015. Contact them today. Please let the PFBC know you are opposed to the changes with a written letter or comment online here.
