DHALO Changes Dropped. Second Update 4/03/2015



Aug 2, 2014
Does anyone know any details about the proposed changes being dropped? Saw it on Facebook, but couldn't find any other details.
A little birdie told me that the proposal had been withdrawn...thats all I know.

Appreciate all the comments...I suspect that had an impact on the decision.

WE WIN! :-D :-D :-D :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :pint:
"Nice job" to everyone that wrote legislators and PFBC.
I just sent my comments this evening to the PFBC and they drop the proposal. WOW! What I told them must be really profound! LOL
I just recieved an email and saw you guys are already on top of spreading the word.
Great news and a big win
Congrats to everyone that wrote the PFBC!
This is huge and very good news.

I wonder if not only FF wrote in, dictating a need for more SR areas because that's what we want!
Great news!

Don't give up the momentum! Start making your voice heard if you want to see more special regulation areas!
Excellent, the letter writing campaign must have had an impact!
Anyone have a link or anything?

It's not that I don't trust y'all, just don't want to get my hopes up tooooo much lol.
Wasn't just fly anglers...lots of negative comments on PFBC Facebook page from everybody.
The rulemaking notice (#263) is still up on the PFBC website as of 9:30 this morning, however, I suspect that this will be pulled later today or sometime soon.

In the meantime, we can regard the news as unofficial (even though reliable sources have supported it).

Apparently, the PFBC received a lot of opposition to this poorly thought out proposal and came to their senses long before the comment period closed.
Any more information or details out there on the proposed regulation changes being dropped? Have found no mention anywhere else yet and the proposal is still on the commission web site.
the first post on this topic suggests it is on "Facebook". Whose Facebook page was it?

Doesn't male too much sense that the proposal would be pulled before public comment period ended.

What proposal?

;-) :lol:
I was feeling pretty good last night when I read this thread. Tonight.....not so much. I hope someone wasn't being a [edit] and starting rumors.

Still trying not to get my hopes up. Anyone got more news?