Cree Hackle?



Apr 17, 2010
Anyone have any or know where I can find any, or even a suitable substitute?
conranch hackle
While available in varying qualities off and on, cree hackle is one of those Holy Grail things that doesn't really matter if you never find or obtain it. There isn't a fly pattern in the world that calls for cree hackle that you cannot adequately tie (and catch fish on) through substitution.

Light cree can be substituted for with a combination of a darker ginger variant and regular brown. A reasonably good darker cree substitute is a darker brown mixed with a darker (or more prominently barred) grizzly.
The fly Shop in Calif. is advertising Cree necks, and saddles. Neck, 79.95$ Saddle 59.95$, both by Whiting. Phone 800 669-fish, e-mail, web
If you hit one of the big fly shows, look for Charlie Collins. Great hackle, dirt cheap. I like to get to the shows when they open, and head straight for the Collins Hackle booth.

Last year, I picked up a cree saddle for $15, and a cree cape for $30. They're sweet! The saddle has feathers for size 12 to 16, and the cape has 'em down to the wee sizes.

Charlie Collins is awesome! He's given "Hackle 101" talks to many of my friends - for free. Denny Conrad from Conranch Hackle will do this as well. Conranch Hackle isn't cheap, but it's the best there is.
im glad this hackle subject came up this past winter i ordered the whiting 4 half saddle intro kit and the brown ones are the ones i am most unimpressed by they have black centers kinda like badger but with brown tips i dunno just venting the next time i think im buying collins ......
flipnfly wrote:
im glad this hackle subject came up this past winter i ordered the whiting 4 half saddle intro kit and the brown ones are the ones i am most unimpressed by they have black centers kinda like badger but with brown tips i dunno just venting the next time i think im buying collins ......

Same here...both the ginger and brown in mine were prominent furnace hackles with well-defined black centers...

I am with Heritage on this one , Collins stuff is tops in price
and quallity.

wetflyguy wrote:

I am with Heritage on this one , Collins stuff is tops in price
and quallity.


Seeing as you seem to have dealt with them, how do they define "established customer"? I am really looking to buy a cree cape, but they claim they will only sell cree to an established customer...

Another vote for Collins.

This guy is super friendly, and his $10 seconds are fantastic.
sniperfreak223 wrote:
wetflyguy wrote:

I am with Heritage on this one , Collins stuff is tops in price
and quallity.


Seeing as you seem to have dealt with them, how do they define "established customer"? I am really looking to buy a cree cape, but they claim they will only sell cree to an established customer...

I bought mine from Charlie at the show in Somerset. I know Penns Creek Angler can get hackle from Collins.