Coq de leon Spanish flies

I was asked by certain vendor/friend of mine If I was the "the love child" the vendor said something about a guy named Ed and a guy that was motherf****** him about about a reel.
What does Moth*&#^#%#ing about a reel mean?

I, however, don't think I referred to you as Lovechild. Seriously. No recollection. I know you came up, though, in the context of working at that store...which I'm going to have to go to and see if there's anything cheap I care about, which probably isn't the case. I just have to go when Gene's in, I guess.

I was surprised to find out your line of work, though. And surprised. How can you do it without lashing out at these people? Seriously, you have no tolerance for anyone different, or mildly to the left, of your mindset.
LRSABecker wrote:
What does Moth*&#^#%#ing about a reel mean?

It's a long sad story. That Gfen handled with class, I would killed/broken something. He'll have to tell you about it sometime!
gfen wrote:

I was surprised to find out your line of work, though. And surprised. How can you do it without lashing out at these people? Seriously, you have no tolerance for anyone different, or mildly to the left, of your mindset.

I have to pay the bills some how. I need to find another way to do it soon though the lashing out isnt far I fear.
O the old Able story...Gotcha


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    Able reel with scratch.jpg
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I know nothing about saying to Ben that Alpy was Charlie's love child. :lol:

We were just looking for you Alpy, and I asked Ben if you were floating around the show somewhere. Ben said something about you coming to the show with Charlie, and it just went downhill from there. :-D
I have to pay the bills some how. I need to find another way to do it soon though the lashing out isnt far I fear.

Will pay $ to see this. I love this. True human exchange. The entitled POS that has been on your arse for 18 minutes straight about some failure or another gets a blasted, both barrels and waaaaayyyyy exceeding the force needed, just because their dumb *** is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Please video it. I know it will take a lot to do this. Thinking of such things during this fit of rage is tough. But imagine reliving this moment for years to come. Please. Do it right.
You really do get alot of bang for your bucks when you purchase Collins Hackle , in comparison to others the quality far exceeds the price. Is the NJ fly show on now? I thought that was a late winter/early spring thing. If you can access a bunch of Collins necks to look through you can get some beauties for not much money. None of the catalogs i have sell coq de leon except maybe Dan Baileys i can't find that one. you have any of these feathers in stock?
going to order next week after I get back from a trip.
Alpabuck wrote:
It's a long sad story. That Gfen handled with class, I would killed/broken something. He'll have to tell you about it sometime!

Sad? No. Infuriating? Absolutely.

Oddly enough, though, in this instance I actually have to say the same thing about our boy Alpo here. Wouldn't say a word the whole time, and I figured he was just being his usual jerskstore self; imagine my surprise when I foudn out he was being principled and loyal at the same time.

You're still a precocious little brat, but you've shown us all you're capable of much more... A real life lesson, you are!

Alpabuck wrote:
I have to pay the bills some how. I need to find another way to do it soon though the lashing out isnt far I fear.

I long to be a bird on the wire when you finally lose it on some 50yo jackhole with an entitlement issue who can't do the simple task and causes you to snap.

If you had basic mastery of English and grammar, or a damned good ghostwriter, I'd read your exploits. :)

LRSABecker wrote:
O the old Able story...Gotcha

I know, it doesn't have a garish fish picture on the side so it loses your attention. :)

I'd say something about shiny objects, but I'm guilty of that, too.

Heritage-Angler wrote:
Ben said something about you coming to the show with Charlie, and it just went downhill from there. :-D

Oh sweet, lovable Jesus in a side car. I wish I'd have been there for that.

I never found you guys after the Borger presentation, did I? Sorry, if I didn't get to the car and inhale booger medicine at that moment, my nose was going to fall off.

jdaddy wrote:
Will pay $ to see this. I love this. True human exchange. The entitled POS that has been on your arse for 18 minutes straight about some failure or another gets a blasted, both barrels and waaaaayyyyy exceeding the force needed, just because their dumb *** is in the wrong place at the wrong time.


You could go down in fishing circles like Epic Beard Man on the transit bus (jdaddy, you'll want to youtube that, enjoy).

Holy carp, I'm going to live in the memory of that moment, even if it never happens. Some old man, face down in the Pocoloco, shouting about how he needs an amblamps while you're across the pool screaming at him.
Osprey, there's two shows in Somerset. The fly tiers' symposium, and the fly fishing show. The FF show has been cloned in Philly this year, as well.

ObCoc de Leon: The AK Best book being touted as cheap in the media forum has a section on CDL. I only glanced at it briefly, as I have no CDL and just use paint brush bristles for tailing anyways.

I should've bought some spade hackle from Collins' booth, though. The "proper thing," and all that.
To hell with proper if the paint brush bristles work go for it as a matter of fact i never heard of using paint brush for tailing and now i'm anxious to try it myself. Do you use a bunch of them or just like a split tail 2 or wha?
osprey wrote:
To hell with proper if the paint brush bristles work go for it as a matter of fact i never heard of using paint brush for tailing and now i'm anxious to try it myself. Do you use a bunch of them or just like a split tail 2 or wha?

Depends on how saucy I feel.

Quality tapered nylon bristles _are_ microfibbets, just without the colouring.

The key is getting them cheap, as hacking up artist grade brushes is a good way to learn the economics of buying Orvis-branded microfibbets as cheap.

So, goto your art store, I know Micheal's has these brushes, and I'm sure that AC Moore does to. In the fine art brushes section you'll see a 3 pack of pine handled, stamped metal holders, and white, tapered, bristle brushes. I believe the 3 pack is like $10.

Take them, hit the markers up and buy some sharpies (if you don't already have the assortment of colours you need, sharpies are awesome for fly tying). Pay for 'em, go home, and then just cut off what you need at any given point, colour in with sharpie, and tie in like you would fibbets.


I don't have a trico picture, but you can certainly tie two or four (or whatever) in for small, "proper" tailing, too.

The otehr thing I use for tails is moose mane in single strnds for real lookin' tails, or clumps of whatever hair is available for just about anything else.


Moose mane up there, conviently on my desk as I cleaned out my boxes of crap on the last conference call I was on.
Those are NICE gfen , my one left handed pupil ties his parachutes with split moose mane tails , i like the paint brush idea we have a Michaels here i hit it up all the time for sharpies and foam sheets. I love the resourcefulness that shows , no other type of folks that are as resourceful as fly fishers...........THANKS g
If anybody need some moose mane, PM me I could give ya some. I have half of a moose hide that was given to me to use for tying. I don't ever seeing myself using so much of it.
I'll be demanding a pound of flesh, formed mostly of the skin and hair of the moose's mane, next time I see you, sir.

In exchange, I offer you my wit and charm during our time together. It, like my waistline, is ample.
gfen wrote:
I'll be demanding a pound of flesh, formed mostly of the skin and hair of the moose's mane, next time I see you, sir.

In exchange, I offer you my wit and charm during our time together. It, like my waistline, is ample.

R you trying to tell me you would like some? Just F'n say...Shane I'll take some. Stop being an Intellectual nutcase. :)
LRSABecker wrote:
gfen wrote:
I'll be demanding a pound of flesh, formed mostly of the skin and hair of the moose's mane, next time I see you, sir.

In exchange, I offer you my wit and charm during our time together. It, like my waistline, is ample.

R you trying to tell me you would like some? Just F'n say...Shane I'll take some. Stop being an Intellectual nutcase. :)

I thought I heard tell you was a college boy in another thread.

Fine, fine, I'll dumb it down and drape it in insults if you prefer. I aim to please, Chaz.. I im to please.
Yea I am a college boy, going back to school to teach Elementary Education, not College English.