Clubs stocking

Fish swim? Really? If that don't beat all. I guess the next thing we'll discover is that birds can fly.

In the case I'm referring to, I've been told by the club that they throw fish in starting at a landmark well within the Class A section. All of said pelletheads concentrate within 75 yards of the landmark.

As for it being illegal to stock over Class A sections, I don't have the laws in front of me. Riddle me this, if it is legal to stock any Class A, why would there have been the amendment the PFBC was pushing a while back allowing specific Class A's listed after a certain date to be stocked?
BrookieChaser -
Considering the way you started your reply...I gather you are a young, wide eyed, wild trout chaser with strong opinions. I can respect that because I was much the same. As I got older, however, I learned to check my opinions at the door (internet forum) until I had all of my information in front of me and knew what I was talking about.

The bottom of the line is the club/individuals you reference can stock twice as many fish at the landmark you reference. The PFBC has policy against stocking over Class A populations, but it does not have laws and regulations in place which allow for someone to be cited for such an offense. there is a huge difference between policy and law.

Going forward...I appreciate your interest in wild trout. However, please don't be that guy with 4,000 posts under his name that feels the need to reply to every thread just for the sake of replying. There are too many of those guys on the board already. If you have not spoken to a WCO or called the appropriate PFBC Regional Office then don't post about it.

Fishfuzz, I can respect your opinion. I replied the way I did because I thought your reply was directed at me not knowing where the fish I mentioned originated. Since my response was the only one since Jack bumped the thread to question my earlier response.
I did post a fair amount when I first joined, mainly in the beginner forum trying to help newcomers and on topics such as management discussions. I've since kept most of my thoughts to myself. But if everyone kept their thoughts to themselves there would be nothing to read here.

I agree there is a difference in policy and law. I don't understand why a policy would be up for public input before a vote. Especially because it was before a scheduled regulations meeting. I'm sure a PFBC policy could be changed internally without regard if they so wished.

As for calling the warden, I have called the local warden on other matters I had questions on. But, like I said, I won't turn the club in for it. I haven't found the fish dispersing upstream very far from put in. The club does a lot of good for people that fish the ATW for pelletheads. I'll just remove the pelletheads legally like I have done. The only reason I mentioned it was because of a question in the original post.
Policy is hopefully put up for public comment because we are the customers of the state agencies and I hope they take us into consideration when they set policy. Policies, unlike laws, can be changed unilaterally, but IMHO state agencies are more effective in the long run when they operate in the open.
The most glaring example of this was the stocking of Young Womans Creek by a Coop while it was still Class A. I needn't go through that whole story, most on this board know the history.

Section 71.4 of the Commission's regulations, 58 PA Code 71.4 states "It is unlawful to place fish in waters that have been designated by the commission as catch and release, wilderness trout, or wild trout management waters, except with the written consent of the Executive director or his designee"
