Closed Trout Season in PA

Do you think there should be a closed season in PA?

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Closing the season here Oct 1 would kill a lot of fishing opportunities for sure,

Most of the streams were too warm to fish over the summer.
And just finally started to cool down again in mid/late sept.
And then close it all down Oct?

Be no point in having fall stockings really.
On the other hand, it would save the fish commission some money , I guess
Closing the season here Oct 1 would kill a lot of fishing opportunities for sure,

Most of the streams were too warm to fish over the summer.
And just finally started to cool down again in mid/late sept.
And then close it all down Oct?

Be no point in having fall stockings really.
On the other hand, it would save the fish commission some money , I guess
Dear dryfly,

I wasn't saying my guess was right, it just seemed like a reasonable guess for the timeline.

I don't want fishing season to close in the Fall but agree that harvest season must have limits.


Tim Murphy :)
My suggestion of closing October 1st was to pacify the dontfishspawnersreddswarmwaterantiheropicture crowd.
Dear bigjohn,

I'm not answering for everyone, but I think October 1st to Opening Day would most likely be the dates people would have in mind.


Tim Murphy :)
Yeah I'm not ok with that...I could do until the new year but any later I'm not in favor of.